Senator's "Daughter"
Date: 9/12/2017,
Author: drew1207
Some things about life are much better and easier when your father's a rich and successful senator, you don't really need to work for one thing, you have all the time and money you could ever want to indulge in whatever fun you want, others are less good, like being an only c***d in a household where your parents were never around. I was nineteen when the events of this story happened. My father, Senator Mark Feldman, had just been re-elected and was very busy all the time, some times spending days away from home when he had important business to attend to in the city. My mother, Madeleine Feldman, was the president of her own company and had a fortune that was at least an equal to my father. She, too, was a very busy woman, spending more time off at work than she ever spent at home. I don't know how great their sex life together was, although I suspect fairly non-existent, in fact it was a surprise to me how they ever managed to conceive me in the first place, they spent so little time in the same place at the same time. I tended to think that the only reason that they were still together was because they were both too busy to get a divorce or find someone else. I, Dean Feldman, was the only product of the marriage. I don't know whether I was unplanned, it seems unlike them to leave something like that to chance, but I do know that throughout my c***dhood they acted pretty much as if I was an unwanted burden on their precious time. I was raised by a succession of strict ...
... nannies, who never stayed around long enough for me to form any kind of bond with them. That continued until I was about 12, after which point I pretty much raised myself. My mother at least tried to take an interest in my schoolwork and encourage me those rare times when she was home early in the evening, but my father couldn't really care less about me, all he seemed to care about was advancing his political career. Anyway, all this meant that through my teenage years I was pretty much left to my own devices, alone in our vast mostly unoccupied house. Having been brought up with little social interaction, I was, by nature, a shy boy and didn't really make friends very easily so I spent most of this time alone. Naturally, this resulted in me exploring and experimenting with aspects of myself that might have remained submerged under other circumstances. As it was, I was to discover that my shy, retiring personality had its outgoing, exhibitionist opposite buried deep within me. Itwas this personality that came out as I began to explore other things, things like the smooth, sensual sensations of wearing women's lingerie. I started out with just my mother's underwear, but as I explored the delights of the internet, I became bolder and began to order plenty of things of my own, I did, after all, have the advantage of my parents' vast wealth and plenty of time and opportunity. These were now things that would suit my feminine persona, sexy, vivacious, outgoing, dominant, everything ...