Caine and Amy
Date: 9/11/2017, Categories: Fiction Incest Romance School Teen Male/Teen Female Author: Benevelon, Source: sexstories.com
It was a hot summer day. Especially hot since the AC in the entire school had broken down a few weeks ago and not many attempts were made to fix it. Being at school was hard enough for Caine Williamson but with the classroom reaching near boiling point it was all the more unbearable. .Not to say that he struggled at school or anything. He was a straight B student but hated the idea of having to come to school every single day. His sister on the other hand was different. Amy Williamson was all A’s and pretty much all the teachers loved her. This, of course, made it hard for her to make friends. It also placed Caine in a very precarious position because extra pressure was placed on him to achieve as much as his twin sister did. He didn’t care about all the extra pressure. Caine just wanted the last bell of the day to ring so he could run home and step into a cool shower. His dark black hair was getting sticky and he knew that all the sweat would be murder on his skin. Being fourteen meant that he had to take extra care of his skin so that he wouldn’t break out. He could feel the liquid form small puddles around his armpits, staining his white school shirt. “Come one already!” he moaned. “We’re so close.” “Calm down,” Amy whispered. “Just a little while longer.” “Whatever. This heat is so fucking unbearable.” “Mr Williamson!” his teacher snapped. “We do not tolerate such language in this institution. Why don’t you take a few notes from your sister and quiet down.” That made ...
... the class chuckle a bit. That statement made his sister cringe because she hated when Caine was compared to her. It made her feel as though she was overachieving just to spite him. In her mind she thought that Caine hated her for that. He never said out in the open how it made him feel but she knew that’s how things were between them. Caine just took all of the laughter in because he was used to it. Everyone tried to compare him to his sister in some way or another like twins are supposed to be exact replicas of one another in every sphere of life. He too disliked being compared to Amy because he secretly knew how it made her feel. Some nights he could hear her talking to their mother about it at home in the late hours of the night. The sound of her tears would often move him to sob or hit his bedroom wall. He loved his sister dearly and never wished harm or sadness upon her. “Please don’t do that, sir!” she pleaded. “Please don’t compare my big brother to me.” The class laughed even harder this time. Amy’s voice was tiny and every time she tried to ask for something it sounded like she was close to tears and this time she was. Caine could see the glimmer in her eyes that he knew all too well. She was about to lose it and so was he. He wanted to thrash every single person that was laughing at his sister but that wouldn’t change anything. They were still going to think that his sister was the biggest nerd of the school. He was furious. He didn’t even realise that his nails were ...