How I caught my wife
Date: 9/9/2017, Categories: Hardcore Taboo Voyeur, Author: jason1000
... put into words. it was like they strapped my body to a rocket ship and launched it to space. my face got hot, reality sunk in, and i ended up crying and had to hide in the bathroom to regain my mind and figure out what to do. i stopped talking to my wife for the next few days, i stopped picking up both quinn and for work and after work. i completely shut myself off. she kept asking what was wrong and if i was okay and what can she do to help and inside i was telling myself that she should go die. eventually i went to see a priest, he told me to forgive her and start anew. inside i told him to go f*** himself cause that’s not possible. i contemplated more in the following weeks when i noticed that quinn wasn’t working today. It’s been exactly 7 weeks since the hidden cam caught anything, the same amount of time since quinn didn’t show up to work. Guess what these dense floozies didn’t even suspect me of knowing about their screwing around behind my back. I got new footage, this time I caught them actually doing it on the couch. ...
... That same night I made her watch the two videos. I pushed her on the couch and told her to sit. turned on the laptop infront of her and told her to watch it and not talk until it’s done. told her to explain that to me or get the hell out. no matter what she did i’d still divorce her anyway. all she did was say “i love you, I’m sorry”. that infuriated me even more and threw the laptop at the wall. i shoved her out the door. Learn something from my experience, and stop it before it happens. there is no amount of therapy that can make me stop feeling disgusted when i think of her, just by mentioning her name ruins my day. i contemplated marriage counseling but she doesnt deserve it and i am thankful i did not have k**s with this fluzy. This felt good to let out. any feedback is fine. i already have a shrink if anyone is going to suggest that. i currently have anti depresants and was diagnosed as depressed and suicidal, ther****ts says she thinks im too full of hatred for her that i will not ever be able to enjoy her company again.