1. The Abuse of Marie part 3

    Date: 9/9/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy BDSM Humiliation Male/Female Author: yoursyn

    It’s been a few days and Marie is still shaken from the entire Christie experience. She can’t understand why she wanted to be friends with these people to begin with. She also can’t understand how someone can be so sick and twisted. It’s Friday and work is just getting ready to leave for the weekend. Marie is cleaning off her desk when Jerry appears out of the corner stopping at Marie’s desk. “What do you want Jerry, I’m getting ready to take off for the weekend.” Jerry smirks and gives Marie a wink as Marie knows exactly what Jerry wants. “Well I was just wondering if you were doing anything tomorrow. I’m heading over to my cabin for the weekend and wanted to know if you wanted to come up for the day.” Marie trying to figure out a way to not be alone in the middle of nowhere with Jerry tries to think of an excuse. “Well I was planning on going to see my family for the weekend. I haven’t seen them in a few months.” “Oh ok, I just thought that you might not have anything really important going on. I suppose I can go alone. I’ll talk to you later Marie, I have to go upload a few things online.” Marie begins to panic knowing full well what Jerry is going to load onto the computers. “Jerry Wait! I guess I can go to see my parents some other weekend if you really want someone up there with you.” “Alright that sounds good. Here’s the address. I’ll be up there around 8 tomorrow morning. See you around then.” Marie takes the paper with the address on it and feels like she’s going to ...
    ... be sick. The last thing she wanted was to go through another day of being used and molested this soon after the last one. Marie heads out the door dreading this weekend already. The next morning Marie is driving down a long side dirt road high up in the mountains. The last sign of life she seen was roughly a half an hour ago. With every minute that passes, she gets more nervous knowing that one was is any where’s close to where is she going to be for the day alone with Jerry. Ten minutes later, she finally pulls up to the cabin. It’s a small cabin with a front deck. Jerry is already here and is outside bringing in a few boxes. Marie pulls up to Jerry’s car and turns it off. She gets out of the car nervous but not wanting to show it as she walks up to Jerry. “Ok Jerry, you have me here. Let’s get this over with please!” “Hold on Marie, what’s the rush. We have the entire day to enjoy. Come on inside and take a look.” Jerry leads Marie into the Cabin and closes the front glass door behind him. Marie takes a look around and sees the bathroom and bedroom directly in front of her. She see a table and a stove and a few boxes. “It’s not much Marie but it’s quiet and peaceful. No one around bothering me for almost an hour away. I come up here when I want to be alone.” Hearing this, Marie begins to get more nervous knowing that he’s up there purposely to make sure no one else is around. Before she can say anything, Jerry grabs Marie by the back of the neck and slams her down bent over ...