My Life, My Choice Chapter 3: Meeting my Father and Annie
Date: 9/9/2017, Categories: True Story Blowjob Incest Male/Teen Female Oral Sex Romance Teen Female Solo, Written by women Author: Kellyann1993
... mother smiled at him then looked at me as she said, “Kelly, would you leave John and I alone for a while as I would like to talk to him.” “No problem mom,” I replied giving her a hug. I went to John and I think I surprised him when I hugged him as I said, “I hope I see a lot more of you but if not it was nice to have met you.” I started to sob and ran from the kitchen to the back door. As I did I heard John ask my mother, “Did I do or say something to upset her?” “No John you didn’t and I need to tell you something I should have told you long ago,” My mother replied. I thought of standing there and listening as they talked. However, I thought maybe I better not in case I did not like what I was hearing. So I ran outside and around to the front of the house. I walked around Annie checking her out from nose to tail. The car was flawless I did not see any lines nor could I find the slightest blemish underneath the paint. I ran my hand across her body feeling for any body putty anywhere in her body. I tapped the rear quarter panels, as I knew that on Ford mustangs they often rusted through back there. I found nothing wrong with Annie. I saw that the driver’s door was unlocked so I opened the door and climbed inside. The driver’s seat had a roll cage around it with a five-point safety harness as well. I saw this thin rectangle box thing stick out from in between the radio knobs. I pulled it out to see that it was Pink Floyd “Wish You Were Here,” on a 8 track tape I was not for ...
... sure what a 8 track was but I did know the band at least. I sat in the car for a while wondering just how she ran. I thought it would be so cool to have my father take me to school in this someday. The other kids would be so jealous I thought. I also thought about how brave they would think him to be what with the wars he has fought. I thought how wonderful it would be to spend the summer running Annie on the drag race circuit as well. I was lost in my fantasies of having a real father and did not see John along with my mother come outside to his car. I looked from the driver seat to see him standing above me. “Sorry, I was just curious about Annie,” I said to him. “That’s OK kiddo,” “Care to go for a ride,” John asked. I looked to my mother and asked, “Can I, mom?” She shook her head yes. I noticed that she had been crying as I asked her if she was coming along. My mother told me no, as she was waiting for Debbie to get back. As John was getting in my mother grabbed his arm as she said, “You drive carefully John.” “I always do,” John replied smiling at her. John told me to slide on over and to buckle my seat belt. He got in and buckled up as well. He slipped the key in and brought Annie to life. She thundered to life with sounds like a beast lived under her hood. John revved the engine up and the old girl shook from side to side as a race cam will often make an engine do. My pussy even gave a little twitch as I could feel the power of Annie rumbling between my thighs. John ...