Mark's S.ster Michelle
Date: 9/8/2017,
Group Sex
Author: loyalsock
... Mark would ask to see Michelle's tits sometimes, and other times would shout (seemingly to the air) how it would feel so good to have a warm mouth on his cock right about now, and all that. I wouldn't be surprised if he listened in when Michelle and I were screwing, and was jerking off to the sounds of his s****r Michelle giving her little girly moans as she squirmed under me, as I rammed it up her. Then one day, last Saturday morning while we were doing a couple of Knivers with some black from the night before, Mark asked me a question. "Hey, Rob," he said, "what if Michelle really did agree to suck it? I mean, me. Would you get pissed off?" I paused, surprised by his question. "I mean, shit," Mark continued, "I really am asking her for real when I say those things, you know. I really would like her to do that, and I wanna know if it would bother you." I waited a bit, letting him squirm, then burst out laughing. "Man," I said, "if you could ever get her to cross that line and do that to you, you deserve to have a clear path, buddy." I slapped him on the back, laughing. "Not that she EVER would, though, you know that, right?" Mark didn't say anything for a bit, just stood there in the kitchen with this look on his face. Then, he said, in a sort-of hushed voice, (probably cuz Michelle was crashed in my bedroom, nearby), he said, "Well, maybe we could sort of make the situation more agreeable to that possibility." He kept a straight face for almost a second, then burst out ...
... laughing. "How?" I asked, still giggling, and wasting our little Knivers. "Well, you could get her to let you fuck her right there in the living room, y'know, on the floor. We'd have to get her plenty high, though, so the liquor has to come out instead of beer, and she'd definitely need to smoke some too. . ." Mark went off into his monologue, devising his plan on how he was going to get head by his s****r. And quite frankly, I was getting pretty turned on by the idea, and so I agreed to the plan. All afternoon, we cranked tunes and drank whiskey and beer, and got high. I kind of paved the way by the way I behaved towards Michelle. I was very complimentary to her all day, telling her how pretty she was, and how sexy, and how all the men want her, but I am the lucky one cuz I am the one who gets to have her, and all that. At the same time, I was a little f***eful and controling, but in a friendly way. I would gently order Michelle around, like she was there to serve, but I would do it sort of nicely, and kept up the compliments, and the sweet little thing was getting right into it. It was a happy afternoon, we had. Mark was in an especially good mood, cuz he could see what I was doing. He was very well groomed that day – for Mark, anyway – and he wore some new black jeans, which were not faded like his usual shit. At times I would pass behind Michelle, and would go on about how fucking sexy she looked, and would grab her from behind, like man I wanted to fuck her right there; I ...