Date: 9/8/2017,
Cum Swallowing
Mind Control,
Author: UndeniableUrges
... wanted! Sucking their cocks like only a true, sissy-faggot-cum-craver could! I smiled as I again looked at my image in the mirror. And just like a true cum-slut, I thought of my lover watching me as I licked the thick, pool of cum out of my hand and swallowed it down. I noticed a slight difference in taste; between his sperm and mine. I was becoming a true cum-connoisseur! His cum tasted so much sweeter than mine. But maybe, I thought, you appreciate it more when you have to work hard for it! I watched a drop of his cum fall slowly off my face, and land with a small ‘plop’ onto the counter. Damn, I looked like such a cum-whore! I stared longingly at the cum drop, wishing there were more. I noticed the stream of my own cum where it landed on the counter. I knew I would not waste a drop of it. I bent over to slurp it up… “Wait!” I thought! I looked so sexy, so covered in cum that I had to remember this! I had to record it! I could use it to jack off again and again! My dick throbbed as I began thinking about it! Taking my phone from my pants pocket (which were still around my ankles), I snapped a few pictures of my cum-covered face and then my tongue licking the cum-splattered counter. After taking some hot selfies to remember the moment by, I recorded a video of myself, saying what a cock-sucking slut I was! I began wiping the sperm from my face, and then sucking my fingers till they were clean. All l the while, I spoke to the camera telling it what had just happened. ...
... Admitting for all time that I had just become a faggot, cock-hungry, cum-whore! I felt myself getting harder, as I recorded my every slutty action. “Maybe he will fuck your boi-pussy, tomorrow, if you are lucky, faggot,” I said out loud, wiping the last of his cum off my face and slurping it up for the camera. I fingered my ass hole. I decided that I’d wear my favorite pink panties tomorrow, and bring some lube, just in case! I couldn’t wait! My cock became ridged, thinking about it. “Hey, maybe he will bring some friends to fuck your tight little ass, while you suck his fat cock,” I said loudly and excitedly to the fag in the mirror, putting a lot of emphasis on the words “Ass” and “Cock”. Just as the last word left my cum-stained lips, the door-knob jiggled loudly, as someone tried to get in. “Shit! Did I lock it right this time?” I thought to myself, “Suck a fat cock! Is it possible someone just heard me say that?” I panicked! I hit “stop” on the recording, and quickly smashed more buttons in an effort to hide my cum-splattered image from staring up at me from the phone. “Damn-it!” the phone slipped from my slippery, slimy, cum-covered fingers! I turned around. My pants were still around my ankles and my quickly softening dick was dripping pre-cum onto the floor. There were the remnants of dried cum-stains still on my face. The door jiggled again, and suddenly it opened wide! It was then I heard my own voice coming up from the fallen phone - my recent video had started playing, at ...