1. The Maid by loyalsock

    Date: 10/24/2015, Categories: Group Sex Lesbian Sex, Mature Author: loyalsock

    Mary was depressed. Out of high school for three months now and not one decent job offer. She was getting desperate!!! Her parents were on her back and she couldn’t blame them,underfoot all day and just generally in her mom’s way. As she scanned the want ads for the 23rd time her eye caught sight of an ad she must have missed. It read, “Older widowed lady needs live in female for general household duties and companionship. Will pay top dollar to the right person! Start right away. Call Mrs. Bradford at 555-1534.” Mary reread the ad several times trying to decide if she even wanted to get into domestic work. As hard up as she was, the words “top dollar” made her pick up the phone and dial the listed number. A minute later she had an appointment to meet Mrs. Bradford tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 o’clock. She wasn’t exactly looking forward to it, but Mary really needed to get something going, and how hard could domestic work be? At exactly three p.m. Mary was knocking on the big front door at the address Mrs. Bradford hadgiven her over the phone the day before. The house was huge--almost a mansion! This might turn out to be more work than she had bargained for! Just then the door swung open and Mary was introducing herself to Mrs. Bradford and her friend Cora Hilliard. Both women looked to be in their early sixties but Mary was never very good at guessing peoples ages. Mary sat down in an over stuffed easy chair in the dimly lit parlor while the two ladies sat opposite her on a ...
    ... long sofa. After giving her vital information--age, education, work history, etc., Zoe Bradford explained what her duties would be if she took the job. In addition to general cleaning, she wouldbe required to make the meals, grocery shop, and generally run the basic household on a day to day basis. Most of her evenings would be free and she would have Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday off. Of course her room and board would be free and she would pretty much have the run of the house. Now for the wages. Both women gave each other a glance and then Mrs. Bradford said, “You will be paid $2000 per week for your services.” Before Mary could say a word--she was stunned to say the least, Zoe Bradford continued on, “There is, however, one more duty that I have not described to you as of yet. Obviously domestic work does not normally pay $2000 per week! That figures out to more than $100,000 per year, and many executives don’t make that kind of money! The one last job requirement is what we are going to be paying you for. That duty is that you will service Cora and I sexually whenever we want or need it. This could come in the form of oral sex or we may have you strap on a dildo and fuck us, but it matters only in our mood at the time. We will make you sign a contract that is ironclad and also a document that will prevent you from telling anyone about our activities. There may be occasions when we have a young man into fuck you in front of us, if so, he will be required to wear a ...