My Son’s Girlfriend The Latina Princess
Date: 9/6/2017, Categories: True Story Author: firzepls
Now I call her a princess because she is spoiled and expects to be treated like a princess. Fittingly enough she also has a pair of shorts that say “Princess” on the ass. I try not to interfere in my son’s relationships and I understand why he pampers her. She is extremely attractive. She is about 5’3″, weighs maybe 105 pounds, has what I’d guess to be size D knockers and a sweet bubble butt that a lot of Latina girls do. So on that level I like having her around the house as she has provided me a sizable spank bank of mental images. I started letting her sleepover in my son’s bed about a month ago on the weekends and she took that inch I gave her and has practically moved in as she only sleeps at her house maybe one night a week now. I confess once she more or less moved in I got into the bad habit of sneaking into my son’s room and looking for her dirty panties and sniffing them. Sometimes if I knew they weren’t going to be home for awhile I would take her panties into my bedroom and masturbate with them in my face. The smell of that eighteen year old pussy was just so intoxicating. When we all three sit around watching TV before bed she wears skimpy short shorts and tee-shirts. I have gotten the feeling that on more than one occasion she liked to tease me. Whenever my son leaves the room, she will often get extra flirty with me. A few times when we were alone in the early mornings because my son has already left for the day she pranced around the house in just her ...
... tee-shirt and sexy underpants. That started one morning when she walked into the kitchen in just a short t-shirt, no bra and a pair of boy shorts. My mouth dropped open. She said “oh gosh dad, I am sorry I hope this doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable, I could go change?” I just muttered some unintelligible response that ended with “uh…. no you don’t have to change.” She smiled and seemed very pleased now that she had my balls. It didn’t take her long to test her control over me. One morning her car wouldn’t start and my son wasn’t at home so she came back into the house and said “dad, my car won’t start could you take a look at it”? Her battery was dead so I jump started it for her. Then I let her car run, shut it down and tired to restart it. It was deader than a doornail as her battery was completely shot. I said ” Mariah, your battery is shot if you buy a new one I’ll put it in for you.” She put her hand on my thigh, gave me those puppy dog eyes and said “dad I don’t have any money do you think you could help me out?” I dropped her off at work and 45 minutes later I was putting her new $80 battery in for her. I left for work and had to stay late to make up for the hour I came in late that morning. When I got home she and my son were gone as they had apparently gone out for the evening. I went into my bedroom to change out of my work clothing and I noticed something sticking out from underneath my pillow. I pulled it out. It was a large sealed 9×12 envelope and it simply said ...