1. Hannah

    Date: 9/4/2017, Categories: Fantasm, Bestiality, Boy, Domination/submission Exhibitionism Lesbian Teen Male / Female Author: Johnnie666666

    ... noticing the way the men’s jaws dropped when they realised what they were looking at. They stopped and gawped as Hannah and Julie, either side of Jeff, walked right past them, heads held high and proud as the slight breeze dried the spunk on their bodies. Jeff unlocked Hannah’s car and opened the door so she could get in. Still naked Hannah sat in the driver’s seat and opened her legs wide for Jeff. Jeff then opened the rear door for Julie and she slipped in and took her customary position, legs either side of the transmission tunnel, cunt gaping. Jimmy and Tommy leapt in either side of her. Jeff leant in the back and kissed Julie. He could feel the warmth coming from her naked body and could see her erect nipples and clitoris. Julie sighed into Jeff’s mouth and relaxed back into the seat. She hadn’t realised how stressed she had been until that lovely kiss from Jeff. Jeff closed the rear door and got into the passenger seat. He leant over and kissed Hannah too. She just opened her mouth and let him play with her lips with his tongue. She grabbed his hand and put it between her thighs. Jeff laughed into her mouth “Later, you greedy cunt”. Hannah loved it when Jeff called her a cunt, it made her feel so naughty. Jeff leant again the passenger door and swivelled in the seat so that he was looking at Hannah sideways and Julie virtually front on. He told both women how fantastic they had been that afternoon and how pleased he was that they had given themselves so willingly for so long. Both women preened under Jeff’s praise. Hannah smiled and started the car and asked Jeff where they were going. Jeff was thinking about where to go and what to do with his georgeous women. He knew it would be something daring, sexy and exhibitionist, but that will have to be another story. Feedback welcome to Johnnie666666@yahoo.com