sex on High School
Date: 9/2/2017, Categories: True Story Anal Cheating Young Author: xxwriterxx
pictures of my girlfriend Brooke: http://adf.ly/toe3q My name is Randy and I am a 22 old male. My girlfriend, Brooke, can be super jealous at times and she really hates it that one of my best friends from back in high school is another girl. What makes matters worse is my friend, Jayden, has great tits and a cute ass. She is a little on the curvy side but in no way even close to being fat. She is a certified Hottie. Still we never hooked up, but I have always had a thing for my friend and I think my girlfriend can tell. Jayden is about to graduate from a college that is a four hour drive away and I decided to go to her graduation. I left Brooke at home because I was afraid she would have been a bitch the whole time and it was Jayden’s day. I didn’t want Brooke to spoil it because of her petty jealousy. Of course this really peeved Brooke off, but sometimes you have to do for your friends regardless of what your girlfriend thinks. Even though I left her behind she still manged to cause problems by calling me and texting me every few minutes. The first one came after I had been on the road for only an hour. By the time I got there I just decided to turn my phone off. After the graduation ceremony there was party at Jayden’s house and I got really drunk. Everyone there decided to go to a local strip club around midnight and I was getting to that point of being so drunk as to where I wouldn’t remember anything so at the strip club I cut back on the drinking as I wanted to enjoy ...
... the night. I certainly didn’t want to do something stupid and causing a scene or embarrass my friend in front of her friends. It was a nice mix of guys and girls that had came to the strip club with us. Jayden had a pretty cool group of friends and I seemed to fit right in. We alld did the typical strip club stuff. Jayden swears to anybody that asks that she is straight but since this girl has been like a sister to me know shes bi. So I bought her a lap dance and she thanked me with a kiss. Not just a friend kiss, but a real kiss. I was shocked at this development and didn’t really know what to do, but I just tried to play it off like we were drunk. Eventually, we got back to Jayden’s place it was just me and her now and her place was a mess from the party. I looked around but there was no place for me to sleep in the aftermath of the party. Before I said anything Jayden said “you are sleeping with me in my bed”. I wasn’t about to argue with her or protest at that invitation. Jayden was wearing this short, tight red dress with huge sexy heals that made her ass stick out the dress in a real sexy way. As we went into her room she kicked off her heals and headed into her bathroom. As I sat their on her bed waiting for her the thought that crosses my mind is that this could be the time I finally get to fuck the girl I have wanted to fuck since high school. It never happened back then because there was always this awkward tension between us that neither one of us knew how to break. ...