my new babysitter
Date: 10/24/2015, Categories: Anal First Time Mature Author: huezo
... asked how do u usually take a bath do needed assistance ? i told her, well my mother helps me in and bathe me ..she said ok so ill help..no problem... so she helped unzip my pants and take of my shirt my socks. she then said let me go change I don't want to get wet... i said ok but as i was sitting in my bath chair...i thought for a second... “ she didn't bring a change of clothes”.... she then entered...i could not believe my eyes she was completely naked..i was shocked...she was smiling and said ok im back, I just didnt want to get my clothes all wet, you dont mind do you? Not at all I answered with my face turned red and a smile I said it's ok, staring at her... she then proceeded to lean over to turn the water on she had a very nice shaped booty she poured water on me started to put shampoo on my hair and pour water on me so shampoo would wash down she then continued with the body...started with face neck shoulders..i liked her touch of her soft femenin hands...made me feel butterflies inside. she put soap on my chest scrubbing. touch me she went lower to my tummy then lower to my penis she got a hold of it and started touch to rub scrub, i started to enjoy it...and questioned if it was right what she was doing.. so i asked her what was she doing ?? she replied im giving you a bath silly.. i said are you sure you should be doing this...she answered what am I do, its ok its nothing bad im helping you... you have to keep it clean just let me help you. You will feel nice and ...
... fresh you will feel so good after im done...i promise. i said i dont know it feels wrong you could get in trouble...she asked don't you like it??....i answered: i think i do... my thing is getting harder....she said i see it is... uww your a “ big boy ” for your age. she then started to hold as if she was holding an ice cream comb and went up and down slowly gently giving me nice long strokes then she bent it back and started to give me circle motion rubs all over my part and my testicles she even sucked on one of my testicles. I was enjoying it very much so, getting excited she then asked can i get in the tub with you?? i said ok... she got in and got on her knees in front of me and started to stroke it up and down a bit faster and firmly with one hand holding it with the other she was touching her self playing with her part masturbating. as she was looking at me and i was looking at her she then reached up give a kiss on my lips we continued kissing passionately as our wet bodies were leaning against each other we touched each others bodies letting loose going with the moment not having a care in the world. I just did what felt right,what ever I wanted to do with her. i mean i was only 10 and i didn't know a lot about sex but i knew i liked girls... we were kissing all over i kissed her neck her shoulders she kissed me in the chest she moved down my stomach down to my part and kissed it gently softly she goes on to giving some nice licks around the head she sucked a on the ...