Winning An Upgrade
Date: 8/25/2017, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: flytoomuch
... then you must win for the boys. Deal?” John chuckled and shook his head in bemusement. “Darling I detest cold water. Can’t I just pay the money?” Camila’s glared. “No John. We need to win fair and square. Otherwise Emilia will make fun of me.” John chuckled. They were at the plunge pool area. Camila giggled and hugged Emilia. John said “hi” and noticed Emilia was holding a copy of “East of Eden.” “Great book.” Emilia smiled. “Yeah I’m really into Steinbeck right now.” The two women made quick chatter and had pulled away from John to confide what he could only conclude were “girl secrets”. John loved being married even though he never thought he would. He looked at the two stunning women in their bikinis. It was a sight to take a man’s breath away. Oka called out the next contestant. “Now it is Emilia’s turn. Is Emilia here?” Oka looked around at the assembled sexy guests. Many were newlyweds like John and Camila. Others were just couples like Emilia and David on holiday breaks to spice up their sex lives. Most of them were attractive and fit, especially the young women. John’s eyes couldn’t help gazing at the stunning firm young breasts and curved taut bums. Then he looked at his wife. He grinned. She was the hottest of them all. Well at least for him he chuckled to himself. Emilia handed her paperback to Camila. “Hey Camila keep my book dry for me.” The two young sexy women were laughing and holding hands. Both of them had ponytails that bobbed and glinted in the sun. The ...
... heat outside was oppressive and a light sheen of sweat coated John’s body. Emilia laughed nervously approaching the plunge pool. “Okay here goes.” Emilia giggled and flung herself feet first into the freezing cold pool of water. They could all hear a high-pitched screech and wild yelps as she plunged her body into the frigid water. Emilia closed her eyes tightly and used her arms to hug herself to retain body heat. Oka counted out the time with his stopwatch. The longest so far that a woman had stayed in the water was two minutes and thirty-six seconds. When Emilia reached two minutes Camila gasped in wonder and clenched John’s hand tightly in excitement. She called out to her friend. “You can do it Emilia! Keep going. You can win. Only a little bit longer.” Emilia’s body was clearly shivering and her face was turning a light tinge of blue. And yet it seemed Camila’s exhortations had their effect and Emilia kept going. Finally Oka called out the winning time. “Two minutes and thirty eight seconds.” Emilia almost burst out of the freezing pool. Her body was shivering with the cold. A giggling Camila wrapped a towel around her friend. Emilia’s teeth were chattering, but she was wearing a victor’s grin. “You won Emilia. Oh my god you actually won.” Camila was grinning proudly. “What about your boyfriend David? Why is he looking so glum?” Emilia laughed. “He lost big time. It seems I’m going to be massaged by Philippe.” Camila’s eyes flew wide. “You mean the professional tennis ...