1. THE BOAT (A Lesbian Tale)

    Date: 10/23/2015, Categories: Interracial Sex, Lesbian Sex, Mature Author: mib14

    THE BOAT (A Lesbian tale) This story takes place a few years following World War II on one of the regular shipping routes between Penang and Singapore in Malaysia. All characters are fictitious. Once every month Evelyn went shopping in Singapore and took one of her female servants with her. The trip lasted a few days depending on the weather and usually two nights were spent on the large wooden motorboat which also carried a lot of supplies and from 50 to 100 passengers. Evelyn was British and had joined her b*****r, who had been in the army there, to help in maintaining rice fields. Unfortunately soon after her arrival, her b*****r had died of a snake bite, and, at age 30, she was left with operating a huge rice plantation using mainly female workers. Nelly was a school teacher who had come to Malaysia after the war for some adventure. She had been a teacher in a private school for girls which catered to the wealthy class. At age 45, she wanted to see how the rest of the world lived. She taught high school in a village next to Evelyn’s but the two women did not know each other. Nelly took advantage of the school holidays to go shopping, and brought one of her girl servants to help her with the language. All four women would meet in an unconventional way on the rickety ship which would take them to Singapore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ They boarded the ship late in the evening since they would ...
    ... travel when the sea was calmest. The women and the men were kept apart. The men and the crew slept on deck while the women slept on rows and rows of bamboo panels covered by a thin layer of cotton. As usual it was very hot and humid. The trip was not the most comfortable. The women wore little and that was one of the reasons to keep the men at a distance. Evelyn wore a beige cotton dress with buttons all the way down the front. As was the custom, that was the only piece of garment covering her nudity. Her small breasts were barely visible through the fabric but her loose buttocks moved like two globes as she walked onto the ship. Evelyn was a red head and, even after spending most of the day in the sun, her face and arms were quite white. Her red hair still fascinated the native population. Farah, her 19 year-old house maid, was short and skinny as were most women in that country. Her face was bony and her wide mouth showed surprisingly white teeth. Farah chose a spot on the matting and lay on her side, preparing to sl**p. Evelyn lay just behind her and would have put her arm around her if the temperature wasn’t so hot. Both women were already sweating in this hull where there wasn’t much air. Evelyn’s red hair was clinging to her face and neck and she was constantly brushing it away. Despite the heat, Farah backed up a few inches so her body touched her mistress’s and Evelyn kissed her neck. The women continued to come into the sl**ping quarters and lined up in rows on the ...