Date: 8/18/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Coercion Cruelty Humiliation Author: bigbob1200
Shauna and her camera man began the interviews at the just complete soccer match. “Raul, how do you think you played today.” “It was very physical. They played very tough” A group of men behind the microphone began to chant. “FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP “ Shauna looked perplexed but asked Raul to comment on the opposing team. Raul smiled uncomfortably but continued. “They were a very tough team today. We…..” “FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP FHRITP “ The men behind Raul were laughing and screaming, taunting Shauna. Shauna’s face turned red, she walked past Raul to confront the hecklers “Why do you need to do this.” “What would your mother think.” “I think mum would find it funny. “ “Really, you think your mother would think it funny to disrespect women.” He just laughed, “FHRITP”. Shauna fired back. “You are not a fan, just a pig.” Things started to escalate but the men drifted away into the crowd when security arrived. Shauna returned to her interview, glad she had finally put a couple of the soccer fan thugs in their place. What a bunch of pigs, she didn’t have to listen to this. As men melted away into the crowd they continued to verbally abuse Shauna, if only to themselves. “Fucking Bitch.” “Yea we pay to be at the match.” “Fuck Her Right In The Pussy.” “That’s what I’d like to do!” “Yea, FUCK HER RIGHT IN THE PUSSY.” Shauna basked in the spotlight that ...
... evening at the bar with her friends. They all admired how she had stood up to the bullies. As she walked in the parking lot to her car she replayed the whole incident on her phone. It was already an Internet sensation; she couldn’t believe the number of hits. “AGGGHHHHH” Shauna regained consciousness as a bucket of cold water splashed over her head. The last thing she remembered was opening her car door. What happened? Bewildered she looked up from the floor to see five masked men standing around her. “How is our pig sportscaster doing?” “Little chubby Bitch, no Erin Andrews, that’s for sure.” A foot pushed her ass from behind. “Get your ass up.” “Shaking in fear and still woozy Shauna struggled to her feet. Looking around she saw each man wearing a different mask. A man with a ski mask grabbed her by the hair. She could only see his eyes and mouth as he kissed her hard on the lips. “I am going to Fuck You Right In The Pussy.” He laughed. Shauna pulled away only to grabbed by a man in a skull mask. Laughing in her face he shouted.” Fuck You Right In The Pussy.” “Stop this. Let me go. “ Shauna tried to run only to be grabbed by two men. She tried to pull away but was shoved back and forth between the men. “Smart ASS CUNT, thought you were a tough Bitch with your video.” "You are just another clueless blonde slut." “Lets see how tough you are when I Fuck You Right In The Pussy.” Screamed another man in a Pirate Mask. They pushed her back and forth between them, each screaming in her ...