Bumbing into a old friend
Date: 8/17/2017,
True Story
Bondage and restriction
Consensual Sex
Written by women
Author: Deb21483
A few years ago my husband and I were at our condo down in the gulf and took our boat down to Tavernier in the keys to meet up with some friends. We do this every other year. We tied up and went to meet at our favorite bar. We partied until around 11:00pm and when we were leaving back to the boat I need to use the ladies room. When I came out I was surprised as coming out of the mens room was a old high school friend. I had not seen him since our freshman year. We hugged and started talking, it ends up he lives in Noblesville In., up by Indy. We shared our numbers and said we had to hook up one day. He was always a nice looking guy, but as a man he grew a full muscles which is not bad. About 3 months later I got a text from (lets call him Mike). He said he would like to visit sometime. I texted him that I would be up in Indy getting my car serviced at the dealer. He said that was cool and I should stop by his business and see what he does now. I said that would be great, and text me the address. I told my husband my plans and he told me to have fun, and text if things got hot. I laughed and said, this guy was so shy, and such a nerd I doubt anything would happen. So I go to his business which is a building next to his house. I walked in and there was all this custom furniture everywhere. He works with wood and makes tables, chairs, and bed frames. I was so impressed by the craftsmanship. He walked out of a office and smiled and said, you came by, thats really cool. I told ...
... him I would show up, and I was amazed at the furniture and did he make all of it. He said it started as a hobby, but grew into a full blown money making adventure. He showed me around and I saw how much this one table was, it has a price of $2,300.00. I asked him if he sold much at those prices, he said, everything you see here but the rocking chair was sold already. I was really surprised by how much he sold this custom furniture for. He then asked if I had time for lunch and I said sure. While we were having lunch we caught up on the last 15 years. I shared he had gone through a huge divorce and he was just getting his life back together. He said he had basically made the woodworking his life. He then started talking about all the other wood furniture he made and was asked to make. I asked him what kind of furniture do people usually asked him to make. He said all kinds of stuff, stools, trashcans, tables, and kinky stuff. I asked, what kind of kinky stuff. He said all kinds of stuff. I said like what??? He said (while turning a bit red in the face), Stockade, Fuck Bench, Punishment Bench, Bondage Horse, Bondage Chair, Up Right Stocks, and Dungeon Table. I said, where do yo build these??? He said, in my shop, in the room behind his office. I said, you must show me. He laughed and said ok. We finished lunch and headed back to his shop. While we were driving I said, MIke, I always thought you as kind of the nerd, how did you get into making sex furniture? He said that he had a ...