Mommy's Love Denied 2
Date: 8/12/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Authoritarian, Boy, Cuckold, Discipline, Exhibitionism Humiliation Incest Male / Older Female, Teen Male / Female Voyeurism Author: mathew elizabeth
Mommy's Love Denied By Mathew Elizabeth Chapter Two I woke up in my bedroom to the sound of buzzing water outside. It was 7:30 in the morning and my mother was taking a shower. Perhaps she had forgotten about my comment yesterday and will walk around naked like she always does. I felt awful for making her feel ashamed of her nudity. She was a beautiful woman who deserved to feel free and show off her body in her own home. I slowly walked out of my bedroom towards the kitchen where I would serve myself some cereal. While I unloaded the remains of the cardboard box into the bowl; I heard the water buzzing from the bathroom stop. Please be naked mommy, I thought desperate! Please don't take any notice of my stupid comment yesterday! Mother walked into the kitchen with a large pink silk gown around her. The gown did look nice, but it covered every inch of her wonderful body. It flowed out and dragged along the floor. I couldn't see any shape. The shape of her tits, the shape of her hips and most of all the shape of her gigantic ass was gone. I was so disappointed. The harsh reality of my stupid comment yesterday felt even more real. "Good morning," She said as sweet as ever. "Good morning mommy," I said respectfully to my mommy-goddess. "Did you sleep well?" She said as she kissed me on the forehead. "Yeah," I lied. That masturbation horror-fantasy I conjured up last night mostly kept me awake in worry and stress. My mother and I didn't say much. I didn't bother commenting on ...
... her silk gown. She was bending over all around the kitchen and the gown just dropped below her legs giving no shape to her body at all. It was so lame. I didn't notice it until yesterday, but my mommy's fat rump-ass in the morning used to give me such an energy boost for the day. Her round butt-flesh filled my body with harsh testosterone. It filled my subconscious with the confidence to 'tackle the day'. But now I just felt empty; like a important ingredient was missing from my daily life. My mothers wonderful bottom seemed to be gone forever. "Don't forget to hand in the Holiday Pamphlets to Ryan," Mom said, placing a bunch of coloured papers in front of me on the table. That's right I forgot! Mom and I were going to go on holidays with my friend Ryan and his family in about a month. It was going to be trip to a place known as the 'Snow-Plains'. There wasn't much snow where we lived; even in the winter; so camping amongst a caravan at a specific geographic spot where it snowed sounded really exciting and new. Ryan's father was work colleagues with my mother. Mom would usually ask Ryan's older brother to baby-sit me while she went to work on night-shift and visa versa. Despite this, I never really liked Ryan; so much as tolerate him. He was a rude and obnoxious kid. He was small, skinny and weedy looking. He had short brown hair and piercing narrow eyes that made him look evil. He was the grades funniest joker. Most of the time he would take his wisecracks too far and get into ...