Back In Time
Date: 8/10/2017,
Bondage and restriction
Consensual Sex
Group Sex
Males / Female,
Oral Sex
Author: stex, Source:
... the next guy, motioned him to kneel, and to attend to her cunt, he licked her. Once she was warmed up, she indicated he should fuck her, again the inevitable happened and she came before the guy. This was repeated with all the guys, one of them managed to get off before Maria, so he was soundly thrashed for his pains. "First," Maria commented, "have you noticed that all the men are white?" "I hadn't, but now you mention it …" "I did, I think she was angry at white men, something I could sympathize with." "Sorry." I said looking down, feeling my twentieth century white man guilt, compounded by having actually owned slaves. "Oh, I'm not angry at you, or your friends." She kissed me. "I've exercised my deamons. She was angry though, she used it as a hook to find willing victims. One of her come ons was 'Do you feel guilty over the legacy of slavery? I can help you with that.'. She's good at hooking men, she has quite a string of them. She has one who comes over every Tuesday to clean her apartment, naked, I'm not sure what she does for him in return. Those cameras were installed by a geek she hooked. Anything she needs, she has half a dozen men volunteer to help out." "Second, its given me an idea, I think we need a slave revolt." She outlined her idea, and a couple of days later we were in Maria's apartment. First part of the plan was I got a blow job, I thought this was an excellent plan. We were in the bedroom, Maria was dressed up in a bustier, long leather gloves and thigh ...
... highs, nothing else, she was kneeling on the floor and I was sitting on the bed. Part one didn't last long, not unusual, Maria was very talented. As I came, she pulled me out of her mouth and I spurted down her cheek and chin. The next one was aimed at her boob and the bustier. She got up and put on her fuck me pumps, she'd been practicing with them, then we left the bedroom. Pausing outside the playroom door, she stuck out her bum and I took the riding crop and landed a heavy blow on her lovely posterior. Smack! "Ow!" she exclaimed in a loud voice. I gave Maria the crop and retied to the bedroom and took up my position watching the action in the playroom. I heard the door to the playroom being thrust open. On screen there were five naked men lined up against the wall, the were looking surprised. Then the door on screen burst open, obviously there was delay to the video stream, and the men sprung to attention. The men in the room had all been prepped, with certain instructions. One was when they heard Maria utter the phrase "If you were real men" they were to give vent to their deepest darkest desires. There would be no repercussions for anything they did if they were following their desires and no one got permanently hurt. This freedom would end when Maria said "Enough". The Maria on screen paused just inside the door, she looked pissed. "Why aren't you at attention!" She barked. "Turn around." The men all did an about face, Maria layer into their bums with the whip. "Don't, ...