Meeting an older couple online and using the wife as my sex toy
Date: 8/9/2017,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Mind Control,
Water Sports/Pissing,
Written by women
Author: AnnaSiciliana
Quite frequently I get messages from "couples", asking me if I'd be interested in having sex with the wife. Typically, these are sent by bored husbands without the knowledge (or interest) of their spouses, so I either ignore them, or, when I'm feeling generous, tell him that I'd only talk with his wife, if she's really interested. That'll usually end the conversation (except that one time when someone tried to impersonate his wife - unfortunately, she made the same grammatical and typographical mistakes that he did, but that's another story) so I was quite surprised when I got a message from Helga. Her husband Gerd had sent me the usual, telling me about how his wife was curious about having sex with women and he'd be thrilled if I was on board with her. I told him I'd be thrilled if she would contact me herself and not have him handle all her communication, thinking I'd never hear from them again when a day later I got an email. "Hello," it read. "My husband already wrote you about me, so I'm just writing back to say I really like your stories and am curious about female on female. Please write back if you're interested." Attached was a picture of a pair of pink, wet pussy lips spread wide, while on the thighs next to them someone wrote "for Anna" with the date of the email. Surprisingly, it seemed to be real. I set a date with Helga to meet in a chat room. She told me her husband was very submissive, and even though she's not really the dominant one either, she plays the ...
... role in their relationship and has him please her and fulfill her fantasies. Her biggest one at the moment seemed to be having sex with another woman. They were from Germany, both in their 60s, she said; retired, but still lively and active, so they travel a lot. In fact, one of the first things she talked about was how she'd love to drive down to Italy to meet me in person. I had to curb her enthusiasm a little and get her to work on my terms. "Well," I said, "that'd be something to keep in mind, but first I'd need to test you to see if we're on the same wavelength." She agreed. "I do anything you want," she replied. "Hm. So what would you do to please me?" I asked. "Lick you," she answered. "Lick you anywhere you want. Your pussy. Your ass. Anything. Fuck you as you tell me to. Anywhere, any time. And let you fuck me as you please. All my holes, all my body is yours." And just to affirm, she sent me another picture of her twat, spread just as wide as before, with two of her fingers lodged inside. I liked that. She was obedient and forthcoming, offering herself freely and voluntarily without expecting anything in return. "What's your favourite toy?" I asked. "My husband's dick," she replied. I laughed. "Ah, okay," I said. "What's he doing now?" "He's helping me take pictures," she said. "And he's waiting for instructions." "Okay," I answered, seeing how far I could go wit her. "Then I want him to film you while you spread your legs and start pissing right where you are now." ...