1. Jaclyn part 2

    Date: 10/21/2015, Categories: Fantasy Author: Kalynn

    Jaclyn Part 2 Mom had left around two that Friday afternoon, she had keep reminding me to be a good girl. To which I replied each time “yes ma'am”. Before she walk out the door, mom turned and smiled “now Jaclyn dress nice for George, and remember be a lady”. I giggled, “yes ma'am” Right after mom had left, I made a bee line for the bathroom and began to run bath water. George wasn't going to be here for another four hours, and a girl had to get ready for her boyfriend. I went into my room and stripped down, grabbing my pink satin robe, I caught a glimpse of my self in my mirror. My tiny breast had began to bud out, I would need a bra soon, maybe sooner than I thought. My hips had rounded, and my rear seemed to have gotten just little bit bigger. I slipped on my pink satin robe. And went off to the bathroom. Before I could make it into the tub my cell rang, I looked it was Mom. “Hi mom”. I answered. “Jaclyn just want to remind you that you need to take your pills tonight, before George gets there, otherwise you'll forget”. “Okay”, but then the thought had hit me about what I had seen in the mirror, “Mom remember when you told me not to hide anything from you?” “Yes Jaclyn I do,” I paused, then said “How long have you been giving me these hormones?” I heard a big sigh, “ Well Jaclyn your right, we don't need to hid anything from each other, I have been giving them to you for the past year, you see I noticed the change in you, something told me that you weren't comfortable ...
    ... being a boy, so I took matters in my own hands”. “I wish you had told me back then Mom” I replied to her. “I know sweetie, but would you of been happy to know what I was thinking and doing”? I gave in, I knew she was right, she always is, “you know you were right, I probably wouldn't of been to happy about it all, but now”. Mom cut in< “but now your happy right”? “Yes I am Mom, yes I am”. Mom giggled, “I knew it, now you have things to do around the house, before George gets there I'll talk to you later”. Mom hung up. I slipped into the warm water, the air was full of lavender scent, George like the smelt of lavender, I laid back, and relaxed, closing my eyes for how long I'm not sure, but when I woke up it was almost five and the water was cold. I jump out of the tub, and raced naked to my room. The house phone was ringing, as I was doing my make up, I stop and went into moms room to get it. “Hello”. “Jack? Is that you”? I recognized the caller it was Georges dad, “Yes its me”. “Voice is changing I see, George wanted me to cal land let you know that he will be running late, and I was going to drop off the pizza's he will bring the movies” “ I could only stammer out, “okay”. “Good see you then in about twenty minutes”, he hung up before I could say anything. My heart was racing, what was his going to think, it had been almost year since I had seen him, and I'm sure he would notice a change. I was back into a corner, I went back to my room and finished applying my make up and ...