A dare in the bathroom
Date: 8/7/2017,
True Story
Boy / Boy,
Teen Male / Teen Male,
Author: booomfilms
It started off how most things start between two 16 year olds. A dare. We were just getting done from being in his pool and he was changing in the bathroom and I didn't know. I thought he'd be in his room, so I walked in to change too. He was in the sink room part and I was in the tub part and I had just stripped down when he walked into my section. We were both startled for a moment as we stood there frozen and naked. After a few seconds, I played it off cool, like I didn't care that my best friend was flashing me his larger average sized dick. I bent down and grabbed my swim shorts and threw them on the counter. I then went to grab my dry pants that were at his feet. I crouched in front of him to get them when I hear," I dare you to suck my dick for a minute!" Still crouched, I looked up at him and replied," ok, but I do, I dare you to let me fuck you afterwards." I'm thinking he's not going to agree. But he says," fine, but a full blowjob then." I nod in agreement thinking I'm getting the better end of this. I grab his now mostly hard 8 inch dick and give it a few rubs. As soon as I do that, he says," let me sit down first. You're gonna make my knees give out." He walks over to the counter and sits on it. I place a couple towels on the floor in front him and kneel between his legs. I decide to just get it over with and wrap my mouth around his hard dick. I hear him moan as I go up and down, slowly learning with each stroke and slowly get deeper on him. I get about half ...
... way down his dick when I feel his hand on the back of my head. " relax your throat." He says quietly as he gently pushes my head down. I do my best to not gag as I feel his dick sliding through my mouth and down my throat. I soon hit my lips on his sack and know I'm all the way down him. He lets go of my head and I slide his dick out my mouth. I look up and say," I don't see why girls complain about that." I put his dick back in my mouth and move all the way back down within a couple seconds. I start a full length up and down motion, eating his dick every couple seconds. I do this for almost five minutes before he tenses up and blows his load right into my mouth and throat. I stand up and lick the cum from my mouth corner and I say," your turn." He leans forward and has his face an inch from mine and he wraps his arms around me, and pulls me in. Before I realise what's happening, we are gently, passionately making out. I found him to actually be a good kisser and I leaned forward, having him lay on the counter. As we are making out, I try to push my 7 inch dick in his Ass, but no luck. He suggests the shower would be a better spot. We get up and step into the shower. I bend over to get the water going and just as I'm about to stand up, I feel a spit covered finger glide right into my Ass, which feels amazing. I stay there for a minute and let him furiously finger my Ass until he pulls it out. I turn around to see him already on the tub floor, face down,knees under his chest and ...