Date: 8/7/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Anal Ass to mouth Authoritarian, BDSM Bestiality, Blackmail, Blowjob Bondage and restriction Cheating Coercion Cruelty Cum Swallowing Discipline, Domination/submission Exhibitionism Extreme, Humiliation Job/Place-of-work Lactation, Male Domination, Masturbation Mature Non-consensual sex Oral Sex Prostitution, Rape Sado-Masochism, Slavery, Spanking, Violence Wife Author: Manpower666

    SLAVE WIFE TANYA: THE MONKEY BUSINESS John, the famous international fashion photographer heard the front door slam and watched his latest customer Ms. Obutulezi approaching the studio wearing a long white coat and high heels. And she was white! Judging from the surname he had thought she would be black or dark. Her husband had called a few days ago and asked for a series of "erotic pictures" of his wife. The photos were not supposed to be pornographic, but rather of a "promotional nature" intended for commercial use. Detailed instructions would follow by letter. They agreed on a full afternoon session - six hours - which would become very costly. John mentioned his price and Mr. Obutulezi did not even try to bargain. From a distance she did not look anything but ordinary, but as the brunette came closer he sensed something unusually attractive about her. Her slender body, easy way of moving, her big expressive eyes and an aura of watchful nervousness made her look like a deer ready to flee on the slightest provocation. She definitely triggered his hunting instinct. He had to concentrate on the task he had been given. They shook hands and presented themselves. She had long slender fingers like a piano player. John could not help imagining them caressing his big throbbing cock. “Welcome to my humble studio. Let me take your coat, Ma’am.” ‘She unbuttoned the thick winter coat and revealed a voluptuous body with a full bosom and long legs. He took the coat and pointed towards ...
    ... the bar. “Please take a seat, Ma’am”, he said and admired her perfect bubble butt as she walked away from him. She was such a perfect MILF. Her age was difficult to judge, somewhere between 35 and 45. “Thank you, Sir”, she said with a nervous voice. A very sexy voice, he noticed. She sat so elegantly with her long legs in stockings crossed. Apart from heels and stockings she only wore a tight black dress, so it seemed. She had a beautiful natural tan and skin, only using a minimum of cosmetics. So perfect. As a fashion photographer John appreciated women with a natural complexion. “Have you ever been photographed like this before, Ms. Obo..ehh..Obeletuzi?” “No Sir, never. Please, just call me Tanya. Much easier”, she said with a smirk. “Thank you. Your husband has given me detailed instructions on how he wants your promotion pictures. I assume you know the details? They are quite unusual, I must say.” “No, Sir, I don’t, actually.” "Could you tell me what the pictures are meant for? That would make my job easier." "Honestly I do not know exactly, Sir. My husband has various business in Africa." “What did he tell you about this session?” “Only that I should follow your commands….ehhh instructions, Sir. That I would have to be rather undressed, as African men love white women. And that I must wear a bowler on all pictures, Sir.” “And why is that? A bowler is quite unusual for a woman to wear?” “For my husband it is an important symbol of power, Sir.” “A symbol of what, if I may ...