Pass the Ketchup dear!
Date: 8/3/2017,
Dark Fantasy
Bondage and restriction
Non-consensual sex
Author: SteveX
Jim knew his wife was cheating on him, but he'd never caught her, and if he brought it up he knew she'd deny it. At first he thought it was hot, thinking someone else also desired your wife was a bit of a turn on; he wanked himself silly sometimes just thinking about it. She was careful though; the bed sheets were always changed afterwards, along with her underwear. There were times she slipped up though; a discarded pair of knickers behind the laundry hamper with a tell-tale mark on the crotch, a used condom under the bed when they hadn't made love for months. She always had an excuse, and it was always plausible. It was only a matter of time before she got sloppy and made a real mistake. Jim and Kate had been married for 25 years, 23 of them happily. For the last two years though things had waned; their son and daughter had left home five years ago, Kate had lost interest in the bedroom department and they were hardly at home together. Kate was a nurse at the local hospice and Jim was on-call as an emergency mechanic, their shifts rarely coincided and they'd begun to drift apart. One particular morning, Jim got up late for work; despite working irregular evening hours, he still had to be in the office for 9am. Starting his car and driving down the road, he spotted an unfamiliar car. He knew it wasn't one of the neighbours; he'd fixed most of their vehicles before and knew everyone. The driver was staring at him as he passed, giving Jim an uneasy feeling. He drove around the ...
... next corner and parked up, got out of his car and walked back to his street; the car was gone from where he'd passed it but he could see it pulling on to his drive. Jim's heart was racing; he didn't know what to do. He walked back to his car, legs unsteady. Reaching for the door he had to steady himself with his other hand on the roof. His mind ran through a thousand questions; could this be the lover? Could it be a doctor on a house call? Should he go to work, or back to the house? If he went back to the house, what would he do? If he went to work, would he be able to think straight? His phone rang; he stared at it and answered on the fifth ring. "Hello?" he said shakily. "Hi Jim, it's Peter. Are you OK?" "Er, yeah. I'm OK I guess Peter." he replied. "Well you sound like shit buddy! Listen, you've been working too hard this past month, we think you need a break. Why don't you take a week off? I'll square it with the boss. Go put your feet up and we'll see you next Monday!" Jim took a second to take the information on board. "You still there Jimmy boy?" "Yeah, yeah." Jim's head was still reeling. Peter's voice sounded like it was speaking a hundred miles away from inside a tin can. "You go home, if you're not already there Bud. Get some rest, don't worry about a thing." Peter said jovially. "Yeah, cheers Peter." Jim replied and hung up. "What the hell do I do now?" Jim said to himself. "Don't ask me Jim, but could you shift your car from the end of my drive?" Jim's neighbour ...