1. Court Record. Chapter Three

    Date: 8/1/2017, Categories: True Story Male / Female Teens, Virginity Young Author: Barbiebnympho

    ... hour passed as they made love. Time after time, Sarah would reach new heights. Each time it seemed stronger and more violent. Many times as she doubled over on him he would respond, sending her more irrefutable evidence. He had full access to her. They had achieved perfect union. Time after time she would consume him and each time, it would take several minutes for her convulsions to diminish and her arms to relax such that she could possibly move away. An each time as they seemed to be finished, Sarah would refuse to move from him, within minutes they would return to loving. Finally, he held her tightly and rolled over in unison placing them side by side, but still together. Clem was trying to separate, but Sarah continued to roll over and bring him with her. She wanted him on top. She struggled to completely turn over on her back. With help, she succeeded and he rested directly on top of her. His arms were supporting some of his weight as slowly he buried his face in the gorgeous hair laid out above her head on their pillow. Her arms encircled him. Once again the world with this woman seemed right. His last thought was a fear of crushing her as they fell asleep. Clem could definitely smell coffee brewing. It was undeniable. He lifted his head. What confusion. Like normal he was alone, but it was way late…actually mid morning. One by one his senses came alive; last night, Sarah, this morning. Oh shit! Where was she? How had she managed to get out of bed without waking him? ...
    ... What was going on? He jumped out of bed, slipped into his boxers, a pair of jeans and a golf shirt and stumbled out and down the stairs, missing several, making a lot of noise. Arriving in the kitchen, he found Sarah sitting at the table reading a book from the shelf in the living room. She stood up as he came in. She was wearing one of his T-shirts, nothing more. She moved to the stove. He could clearly see the lower portion of her young body as she poured his coffee and turned to bring it toward the table. She was a study in beauty. She looked much older, much more mature. Clem collapsed into his favorite chair at the table. Sarah placed the coffee in front of him. “Good morning sleepy guy. I hope you don’t mind I went through you cupboard until I found some coffee. Hope I made it right.” She paused. “I have to tell you Clem, I never drank coffee before…liked the smell but hated the taste; but I wanted to fix some to wake you up this morning and this smelled so good I tried it and I am hooked…absolutely hooked.” Clem sat there stunned; as Sarah turned back toward him from the stove it was clear his T-shirt was too short. She had to know she was completely exposed, but she made no effort cover up. She seemed so comfortable with her beautiful body and the situation. Clem took a sip of the hot black coffee. “This is the best coffee I ever tasted.” He offered. She looked at him with that same loving look he had come to know so well, and sat down across the table facing him. He ...