The old ex, the new slave. Chapter 3
Date: 7/30/2017,
Body modification,
Consensual Sex
Cum Swallowing
Male / Females
Male Domination,
Author: AngryYoungMan
I am sorry it has taken so long to write this chapter. I will try and be quicker going forward. ———————— Chapter 3 In this chapter, Jack takes care of some business, then takes his pet for some jewellery shopping. JACK: He put the car in reverse and pulled out of the parking spot. Their entire shopping trip and the little session in the back took just over an hour, and it was nearly 10:45am now. He had more than enough time to drop her off at the spa/salon. It was only a few blocks away, and since the bank was only a block away from there, time was not a factor. A couple of minutes later, he pulled up in front of the place. It was very high end. Usually frequented by only the richest ladies in town, and a few of the richest men as well. He had been there himself as a reward for losing the last pound to reach his target. He knew that the service was incredible, and she would be pampered like she had never been before. He stepped out and ran to her side of the car, and let her out. He left the SUV idling outside as they went in, and stepped up the counter. “Hi. How are you today?” he asked the man behind the counter. “I am well, thank you sir. How can I help you?” Clearly, the man was batting for the other team, but Jack didn’t care. “Well, this is my…” what could he say? “This is my little pet, and I want her to be treated to a wonderful afternoon.” He heard a sharp intake of breath next to him, but ignored it. “That is so sweet of you. Every woman deserves to be treated like ...
... a queen! Any idea what you are interested in?” He was looking at her, but Jack answered. “Well, I have a few appointments to run, and need her to be pampered for the next 4 hours. She definitely needs her hair done, and I want her to get at least one good long massage, wherever she has any aches or soreness. She works out too much.” He said the last part with a chuckle, knowing what kind of workouts she was having. “Well sir, I can book her in for a massage right away, then she can relax in the hot tub, hit the sauna, have a nice mud bath, a facial and scalp massage, and then head into the salon when all is done. That should take about 4 hours.” “Sounds great to me. Make it so!” “Name?” the man asked. “Pet..ra” He corrected himself quickly. He didn’t realize how quickly he took to calling her just Pet. As the man started typing, he remembered something. “I just need to get something from the car, can you get her registered, I will be back in 30 seconds.” He ran outside and grabbed the bag with the dresses in it. He pulled out 2 of the sundresses and tossed them back into the car, and grabbed the bag with only the green one left inside. “Her my little pet, something for you to change into when you are done.” then he lowered his voice to a whisper, “You are free to enjoy the afternoon as you please.” He left his credit card details with the clerk, kissed his slave on the cheek and headed out. He had 2 minutes to make it to the bank, which was exactly how much time it took him. ...