1. Glamour Shots, Chapter 15

    Date: 7/24/2017, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: stormdog100

    “Me? I thought you went in and cleaned up – you know, when Marci did.” “No, I just tried to soak up some of Michael’s cum from my clothes – and none too effectively I might add, which is why I have this other wet spot on my leg and no top on. Since you so generously gave me all of this, I didn’t feel like I should just wipe it off and throw it away!” She giggled. “Besides, I know how much you like me all…creamy.” I swallowed a lump in my throat as my cock twitched weakly, still exhausted from our earlier fun. "Absolutely…but I think I’m going to need some serious recovery time after that last round. Even what you’re doing there – which I love – barely got a twitch out of me.” She suddenly sat up, her feet on the car's floorboards. “Ooooh, that reminds me!” She grabbed her tiny purse from behind her feet and dug around in it for a few seconds, and then reached across, her hand at my mouth. “Open!” Like the dutiful husband I am I blindly obeyed the command, and she popped something into my mouth and then quickly held my water bottle to my lips. “Drink.” Again I followed orders, and whatever she had given me washed on down. “Okay, now that it’s too late, what was that?” She smiled as she leaned back. “Well, it wasn’t a Skittle!” “M & M?” “Nope.” “Aspirin?” Uh-uh.” “Tell me that you didn’t just give me one of Charlie’s boner pills!” “Now you’re catching on! If I’m going to wear that big cock of yours down to a tiny nub by morning, it’s going to need to get hard first…and often!” ...
    ... I’ll admit to being a little excited about it, and curious about how it would work, how I would respond to the drug, but mostly I was shocked that she had done that! “I can’t believe you just drugged me! You’re not supposed to take other people’s prescriptions you know, and I don’t know much about all these sex drugs and crap…Charlie’s fucking boner pills! I’m amazed you did that!” She laughed as she again leaned back, legs spread, wet spot showing, and slowly began to trace the large cum stain over her pussy with her fingertips. “Davey, c’mon! It’s just an erection aid, to help you get it up and keep it up so we can play – millions of men use them, and you don’t take any other prescription meds or anything; it’s no big deal! You make it sound like some kind of snake oil, bogus magic elixir or something – ‘Professor Charlie’s Magic Boner Pills! Fix the wilt in your stilt and put a bounce in your step, while also curing gout, insomnia, rheumatiz, heartburn, and the common cold!’ It was just a Cialis, for Pete’s sake – it’s FDA approved, you know!” I laughed at her characterization of a snake oil salesman’s pitch – and at her blind faith in the FDA. “I just don’t know much about them, babe, other than what’s in all the TV commercials. What if I get one of those four-hour erections?” “Mmm, wouldn’t that be fun!” “Not funny; I guess it can really damage things – not to mention the extraordinarily embarrassing trip to the E.R.” “You won’t, don’t worry.” “You don’t know that.” She ...