1. The Second Place Sister

    Date: 7/23/2017, Categories: Fiction Anal Female Domination, Group Sex Humiliation Incest Masturbation Author: Hamlin

    ... life of their own. This often results in the story taking unexpected turns, or characters ending up in situations the author really had no intention of placing them in in the first place. This story has a great deal of graphic sex, but alongside that charts the lives of people who are flawed, give in to impulsiveness, end up having to deal with the consequences, but also find that love will see them through the storm. While it's important to have that in a good story, in my humble opinion, this one also contains elements that simply do not take place in the real world. The world of the Hamlins, for example, doesn't contain such awful things as STDs, unwanted pregnancy, and a court system that moves very slowly. Those are all consequences we, in the real world, have to deal with, so please understand that safe sex is good sex! Again, thanks for reading, and I look forward to your feedback on this, the first book of the Hamlin series. *The Second Place Sister* One hundred meters. Tori's feet pounded the track, her blood rushing in her ears. Ninety meters. Her legs burned with exhaustion. She spared a quick glance and saw her sister just a step behind. Eighty meters. Stephanie poured her last ounce of strength in an all out sprint, and closed on Tori's heels. She could do this! She saw Tori flagging, her sister slowing as she used up her final burst. Seventy meters. Sixty. Fifty. Stephanie gulped in air, lungs on fire. Tori surged ahead suddenly. Stephanie raged inside. ...
    ... Where did Tori come up with more energy? Forty Meters. Thirty. Stephanie huffed, arms pumping, her long legs weakening. She wasn't worried about anyone behind her. She had a good twenty meters on the closest runner. Twenty meters. Tori felt the win. Her next gold hovered right there, just seconds away. She could see Stephanie struggling, but almost close enough to touch. Ten meters. Stephanie felt hot tears sting her eyes. If she could just muster one last burst! Tori raised her arms in triumph. Five meters. Stephanie saw victory die as Tori crossed the line and slowed, bent with her hands on her knees. Stephanie finished less than a second behind and did the same. She wouldn't cry. Not here. Not now. She huffed and sucked in air. Tori looked her way with a smug grin. Stephanie would have choked her if she'd had the strength. Right there, in front of the cheering crowd, she could have wrapped her hands around her twin's little neck and squeezed, until she turned blue and fell over. * Second place. Again. Stephanie filed through the door behind her family, clutching her second place medal in her fist with a death grip Tori, exuberant, strutted in at the head of the line with yet another gold for first. It was something Stephanie had grown used to after all these years. Her twin had always been first in everything. Tori was the first to be born, by only a few seconds. She was the first to crawl, the first to walk, the first to talk. When the two girls were old enough to start ...