1. Sue is blackmailed by a colleague

    Date: 7/22/2017, Categories: True Story Anal Bestiality, Blackmail, Coercion Group Sex Interracial, Author: maxyorks

    ... at us? Well its pay back time. Speaking of which, lets start as we mean to go on.” She realised she had no choice and waited to hear what Barry would want of her. He told her to stand up and stand in front of him. She obeyed. He looked her straight in the eye as he opened her blouse buttons as her eyes glared back at him in ager and frustration that she could not stop him and humiliation to be in this position. Barry reached into her lace bra and lifted a tit out and held it in his hand. He stared into her eyes as he slowly and deliberately squeezed it hard, making her yell. “That’s nice bitch – take your blouse and bra off and offer your other tit to me and ask me to hurt it.” “No way you bastard, fuck off” she yelled. “OK, get dressed, go home. I have missed tonight’s post but the DVDs will be with everyone by the day after tomorrow so you have 24 hours to plan how you are going to deal with it. Goodnight Sue.” Barry turned his back to her and waited. She knew she had no choice. Her voice was quiet as she said “No Barry, please don’t do that. Please hurt my tits” and he turned to see her blouse on the floor and her hands behind her unfastening her bra. She held her full breasts up to him and he took them, gloating at his power over her. “That’s so much better you whore. Now this weekend we are going back to my friend’s film studio to redo the film in total – everything – but this time you will know exactly what you are doing throughout it. And you had better make it clear ...
    ... that you are having fun, even if you are not. Mind you, you had a lot of fun last time so why not just accept it and enjoy what’s going to happen anyway” he laughed. “Now get on your knees and show me what a great cock-sucking whore you are”. Sue dropped to her knees, her full tits swaying as she moved down to her knees in front of this man who up to 30 minutes ago she regarded as being on a level with shit on her shoes but who now controlled her life. She unzipped him, unfastened his belt and lowered his trousers. She took his hard cock from his pants and held it a moment, hesitating. “Come on bitch, its not the first time you have sucked me, get on with it, see if the taste is familiar? Is Friday night beginning to come back to you?” Sue put him in her mouth and sucked him, doing her best to please him. In an odd way the taste was familiar – maybe she was getting flashbacks? “Mmmmmmmmmm Sue that is so good. I will have to share your mouth with some selected friends soon, it would be greedy of me to keep this to myself.” She realised how her life was going to change. “Sue, maybe you should tell your husband. It will make it easier for you to explain your late nights and your evenings away cos you are going to have them. How will he react? Will he leave you? Maybe he will enjoy the idea? Who knows? Maybe you would like a copy of the DVD to show him to explain why you have no choice. Oh, by the way, also tell him that if he is the jealous or violent type, if anything happens to ...