Date: 7/18/2017,
Ass to mouth
Ass to pussy,
Cum Swallowing
Group Sex
Male / Older Female,
Oral Sex
Author: jiwjiw11
WHORE WIFE THE BURNING QUESTION – AM I, OR AM I NOT: She rang the doorbell of the Beverly Hills Hotel suite and waited, looking gorgeous, voluptuous and ultra-hot in a small, tight, molten gold party dress that was meant to drive men crazy. Soon the door opened and a man peered out at her, looked her up and down, and then whistled appreciatively at her spectacular looks. Deciding that she must be at the wrong door by mistake, he asked, “May I help you?” “Why yes, I was instructed to be here at this suite number at 7PM to attend a party.” A startled look came over the guy’s face and he blurted out, “My God, you mean that you’re the hooker that our investment banker arranged for us for tonight? “Well, I’m not a hooker, my boss just told me that there was going to be a party in this suite tonight that he wanted me to attend,” she explained. “Does your boss happen to work for Goldman Sachs, he asked hopefully. “Why yes he does,” she responded. “Well then, baby, you have definitely come to the right place,” the man said with an eager smile. “Now you can call yourself a party girl, or anything else that pleases you, but to us you’re the whore we ordered from Goldman Sachs.” The big man then reached out and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into the room, slamming the door behind her. Looking her over again he grinned and said, “Well, on second thought, honey, I guess, now that you’re here, there really is going to be a party here tonight, and you’re it.” Then he yelled out, ...
... "Guy’s, get your horny asses out here and see what kind of hooker our investment banker has sent us to party with tonight. You are not going to believe what this broad looks like.” As he was yelling to his buddies, she realized that her boss had deceived her. There was no question in her mind that he knew that these guys were expecting a whore when he sent her over here and, for some reason, he had elected not to tell her that. And now she was trapped into playing the part of being a Goldman Sachs call girl. She saw two more Germans rush into the room to find out what their companion was yelling about. The first thing she noted was that all three of them were big men in their thirties and that meant that this orgy she was going to be providing the entertainment for, was going to be a demanding physical test for her. After they had looked her over like a pack of rabid wolves, she soon felt the three burly men crowd in around her superbly stacked body, capturing it between theirs, and she soon felt hands beginning to feel her up. Looking over the swank room her companions were going to be fucking her in, she wondered to herself, “When does a woman officially cross the line and become a real whore.” As she felt three sets of fingers penetrate her orifices she knew that, even if she wasn’t a whore, technically, when these three loud mouthed, burly beasts got through with her tonight, she was certainly going feel like one. As she compliantly let them have their way with her, she ...