Sandie's First Swing - Part 3
Date: 7/11/2017, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: JennyGently
I was woken early the following morning by a band of sunlight streaming through a gap in the curtains. For a few moments I was confused by my strange surroundings but as my brain cleared, the events of the previous evening filled my mind. For the second time in my life I had woken naked in bed next to our long-time fried Paul after a night of passionate sex. Paul, the man who was now sleeping deeply alongside me, his handsome face towards mine, his eyes closed like a child’s. A warm glow came to my tummy as I remembered all he had said to me and we had done together since the kids and I had arrived angry and unannounced at his door the previous evening. I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling, listening to the softness of his slow breathing alongside me. How different this felt from the time he had first seduced me on holiday in Wales; when I had woken wracked with guilt and had plunged headlong into the weeks of sheer hell that had ended with the termination of my unexpected pregnancy. No, this morning was entirely different. This time there had been no sounds of my husband’s infidelity coming from the next room to hurt me and justify my own misdemeanours. This time, instead of reluctantly acquiescing to Paul’s advances, I had willingly submitted to his considerable seductive powers and joined whole-heartedly in the night of passion that had followed. My inexperience as a lover had shown embarrassingly on many occasions but he had been a patient teacher and as a ...
... result, I had lost more and more of my inhibitions and enjoyed a night of mind-numbing ecstasy at his hands; a night of lovemaking even better than the heights to which he had taken me during my only previous infidelity. I took a deep breath and stretched out under the duvet. My legs and hips ached from the pounding he had given them and I blushed as I remembered how the pressure of his powerful body had felt between my legs and the feeling of his strong firm body deep within my own. My nipples were sore too and I winced as the cotton of the duvet cover rasped against their sensitive teats when I turned. I lay there still, closed my eyes and tried to count the number of times he had taken me during the night but couldn’t be sure - I had fallen asleep on him in the early hours as I had done a year ago in Wales. My mind wandered as I lay in the early morning silence. I could hear the sound of movement coming from downstairs which could only mean the kids were waking. For a moment I worried that Emily would come upstairs on her usual ‘find Mummy’ visit but there was no sign of it and I remembered that the bedroom door was most definitely locked. I relaxed again and listened to Paul’s deep, masculine breathing a little longer, thinking how unlike my husband’s it sounded; long slow and deep instead of Tom’s soft, shallow inhalations. I frowned as I thought of Tom; how he had deceived me for so long and wondered whether he and Paul’s wife Lisa were lying in their hotel bedroom as Paul ...