Joyce Dickinson part 5
Date: 10/18/2015,
Author: Les1111
... "I I I duntknow...." She muttered. "Did you like my cock!?" "Er...yes" "Would you like to 'see' it again.?Joyce...would you like to ' see' it have seen it before Joyce..haven't you?" Joyce was confused and looked bemused as to what he was talking about. "You cake in to my room.. On Friday night..didn't came in my room....saw my hard cock, then you went back to your room and you, frigged your pussy till you came. You did didn't you...I know, coz I watched you...You were wearing a pair of mums thong panties...weren't you. ?" Joyce was beaten, and, she knew it. She bowed her head and just nodded. "I I i did...I'm so sorry Robbie, I'm sorry. " ."what was fucking brilliant. I've never seen a girl wank was fucking ace!" Joyce noticed the excitement of a boy, just then, in his statement. He may act the 'man about town' but he was still just a boy to Joyce....well...except for that big cock of his.. "Would you like to see it" ."n n n no." She lied. "Come on, be honest.....well I'm gonna show you anyway." He stood up and dropped his boxer shorts and jeans straight to the ground. His cock was flaccid, but thickening. Joyce just sat there open jawed, and hands holding her face. Shocked. "'s getting bigger Aunty Joyce" he said, taunting her. "Look.." Joyce couldnt take her eyes off the thickening ...
... penis on her best friends 18 year old son. She had changed this boys nappy, years and years ago...and now..and now she was watching his young penis fill with bl**d, and, worse than all....she fucking loved it.... Robbies young cock was at least two inches longer than Garry's...and thick....oh so very thick. It stood proud, pointing to the ceiling and Joyce had never imagined a cock could be so hard. It, occasionally twitched...voluntarily she thought. "Come closer please!" She stood still. "Joyce!!" She walked forward, slowly. They stood two foot apart. Robbie nearly naked...Joyce in her gown. Him 6'2" her 5'1". "Touch it!!" "I can't" Robbie took her hand and placed on his cock. It was so hot she thought she would burn herself, Robbie held her hand tight on his weapon...not letting her let go. With his free arm he stretched out and placed his hand on her left breast. She gasped. "Joyce.....I'm going to take my hand off your hand....leave yours there. Then I'm going to undo your gown and take it off ok?" "Er erm. Ok. I guess" Robbie took his hand off hers, and was pleased when she didn't remove hers. In fact, she gently stroked his penis, never taking her eyes off it. "God..Robbie...its so fucking big...!" Then realised what she'd said, and blushed. "Yes it you like it bigger than Garry's? It's not as big as Steves...but it's good I think....the bitch I fucked last night was squealing. Haha" ...