how I became a lesbian
Date: 7/9/2017,
True Story
Cum Swallowing
Group Sex
Oral Sex
Teen Female/Teen Female,
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: Laura1993
So I'll start by giving you a bit of background. One of my parents is dead and the other is an alcoholic. When I was 14 social services said I couldn't live at home anymore. Fortunately my previous next door neighbour, who was a single mum with one son, took me in. They had moved across town about 2 months ago so I went and joined back up with them. I had grown up with Tim, he's about 3 months older than me and we were best friends all through school. My new foster Mum had pretty much looked after me for the last 10 years anyway so I took the move pretty well. I would describe myself as a lesbian not bisexual. I am not generally attracted to guys, but the thing is, a real dick beats a dildo any day of the week. I took me a while to work all this out though so here is my story. When I was 15 at school, one P.E. lesson, me and another girl Rachel were late back to the changing rooms and everyone else had left. We didn't really know each other, as I recall P.E. was the only class we shared. I wouldn't say she was hot but she was pretty. Not particularly curvaceous but quite athletic. Anyway we stripped off to shower, I was hardly paying attention to her but then totally out of the blue she comes right up to me and kisses me. As clichéd as it sounds I opened my mouth in surprise and she stuck her tongue in, it was getting pretty heated and steamy, but then the shower was on, when she broke the contact and slid down my body kissing and nibbling as she went. She hesitated between ...
... my thighs and dove in. I can remember thinking at the time as she sucked my clit that this was the best feeling ever, I still love being eaten out it is one of mg favourite things. I wasn't new to making out but this was something else. I was trying not scream, I still had the precense of mind to remember I was in the school showers but only just. Feeling her tongue working magic on me I soon came. Before I had chance to return the favour Rachel dried off and left. She avoided me after that but about a week later I managed to corner in private and try to kiss her. She pulled away and said she had just wanted to experiment and wasn't actually a lesbian. I can't lie, I was disappointed, it was my first really intimate experience, we did become close friends after that but there was never a repeat of the shower. When I was 16 my foster Mum married and my new step Dad, i suppose, brought his 15 year old daughter, Kate, with him. Kate had 2 cousins Jake, 17, and Mary, 12, at the time. We used to see them at least one weekend every fortnight, sometimes more, either at theirs or ours. When I say we I mean Kate, Tim and me. Anyway one time we stayed over at their place and we were watching some crap movie, all of us under a blanket, me at the end next to Jake when I felt a hand land on my thigh, I looked at Jake and he winked at me, I smiled back. He started to run his hand up towards my pants then he pulled back and repeated. This really started to annoy me and I've never been one to ...