Date: 7/7/2017, Categories: True Story Incest Young Author: blueheatt

    ... a guy that satisfies her and end up having what we have, and that‘s what we both want. ” Jamie said they could feel me rubbing my pussy and hear my breathing. It made them hotter than they had ever been. I was turning them on. I had wondered what Tina thought about all this. Later we had a private talk and she told me everything, now that I wasn’t upset about it, but in fact,…I liked it. She told me: “I think I have the best mom and dad in the world. Daddy makes me so happy when he rubs me I get sex tingles. It was very tense when you were right next to us, while I did a little touching on him. I felt panic when you found my hand on his cock….but no…you put it back and all went peaceful within me. Please let me keep doing it mom, I’m getting desires I didn’t know I had.” I told her to keep right on with it, and to let those desires just flow out. Someday she’d find her own guy and be happy. In the mean time, we’ll share daddy….. She got this little smile on her face and whispered: (“Mom, you and dad have such hot sex after I leave, I‘ve listened at your door. I have to masturbate right then, just standing there. I want to have sex with my dad so bad now. Could you….well…maybe talk to my dad….and…a…well….you can watch us, I know you’d like that.”) I whispered: (“..just let it happen..”) The thought of Jamie and her having sex with me watching,….? It sent the biggest shot of warm pussy juice in my pussy I had ever had. I didn’t say anything to Jamie right away about her ...
    ... wanting to have sex with him. I think he already knew it, and I also knew he would love to have sex with her. I had a wet pussy all day. I went over and over in my mind on how to make this happen. I got a plan. That night I started in on Jamie and got him all hot. I took my time sucking his cock. He got tuned on licking my extra wet pussy. I turned and got on top of him, stuck his cock in pussy and leaned over and whispered. (“…I want to watch you and Tina having sex real bad. Would you like that too?”) He grinned, and whispered two words: (“….silly question…”) We turned all the lights and had the most intense sex, we’d ever had then. He called me ‘Tina’ and I called him ‘Daddy’ and we fucked so hard, I think our moaning must have woke the whole neighborhood. Tina had stayed at her boyfriends that night. That Saturday morning, here she came in a robe. She crawled in bed between us as usual. She got under the covers and then took the robe completely off, pulled it out and on the floor it went. I just knew she was completely naked. No bra, no panties. She was. Jamie slept naked, so now they both were naked. My hands headed for my pussy to enjoy this. ------------ *What I didn’t know was that Jamie and Tina had a private talk of their own, when I was gone shopping. Tina’s thoughts: ‘Mom was so cool to let this happen and to just be thrilled by it, I talked to dad. He is so sexy to me, I had the jitters in my stomach all day. Tomorrow morning it was going to happen. I said how cool mom ...