After the game
Date: 7/7/2017,
True Story
Author: Nomad14
I am a very structured type guy, and a very organized guy. I keep notes on most of what happens each day at work, I guess its a habit I started a long time ago. I like to keep thoughts and notes on my iPad journal also. After most of my dates with Rita I would write about what it was like and my thoughts on how I felt. Most of what I write here is from my notes. It was hard for me to come to terms I was having very deep feeling for a girl that had a dick. I know many will laugh and say I am crazy to think she is a girl, but to her she really was born a woman. About a week after seeing her last a group of my pals wanted to hook up to watch a game at the local bar. I had told Rita and she said she wanted to hook up later that night. I said sure and she should text me later. She was working late and then having a drink with one of her friends. Around 9:30 she texted me her and her friend was at the bar by her condo and they wanted to know if we all wanted to get a drink together. I texted which bar I was at and she said they would be right over. Around 10:15 I saw Rita walk in with a really cute short blonde. The first thing that popped into my mind was, is this blonde also a girl with a dick? Rita walked up and said hi and introduced her friend Jen. My pals all stopped watching the game and said hi. Rita sat next to me and I could tell my pals are wondered who the hell these two gals were. My pal Jeff asked, who the hell are these to smoking hot chicks, and how the hell do ...
... they know you, and then laughed. I said Rita and I had just started dating, and I did not know Jen. We all started talking and laughing. I then whispered to Rita, I have to ask, is Jen like you. Rita gave me a funny look and said, a cute hard working girl like me? And she laughed, she then whispered, she have a vagina if that's what you are asking, then poked me in the rib. Rita and Jen then went to the bathroom and my pals started asking about both of them. Rita was wearing a really tight red dress that was short, her friend Jen was wearing a black short dress, but had huge cleavage. I guess both were looking really hot. Rita in heels was as tall as me at 6' 2", but she looked almost like a model, tall slim, and perfect tits. After the game my pal Jeff asked, so what are you to ladies up to now? Rita laughed and said, I know I am going home with Mike (not my real name). My pal Jeff just smiled and said, Mike is one lucky dude to have a gal like you Rita, she smiled and said, I think so.. Jen just laughed and said, I am a bit trashed and have to get home as I work at 7. I was about 8 blocks from were I lived and I asked Rita if she wanted to see my place. She laughed and said, I want to see more than your place, my pals all laughed. We said our good buys and got Jen a cab. While Rita and I walked I told her I thought this relationship was getting more then just hanging around. She agreed and asked if I was ok with it. I did not want to lie to her, I said, I am not sure, but it ...