Losing The Super Bowl 2015
Date: 7/6/2017,
Female Domination,
Female exhibitionist,
Author: The_Technician
... “You’re on. I am going to enjoy beating your ass red, even if it is painted red, white and blue.” A new toast was proclaimed, “To painted asses,” and everyone laughed and cheered. I confidently imagined Barb sitting naked on a pillow at her desk trying to do her work. But then the Patriots scored twice and made it 28-24. I was starting to fear I that I might lose. Barb was teasing me something fierce and describing how she would post pictures of my naked ass on a porn site after she had it criss-crossed with welts from a belt. Then Kearse made that miracle catch almost on the goal line with only a minute left. We were on the three yard line with a first down. There was no way we wouldn’t put it in for a touchdown. “Looks like it is going to be me posting pictures of your ass,” I shouted at Barb. “It ain’t over yet!” she yelled back. “You wanna up the bet?” “Damn straight,” I snapped back. “The loser has to get naked and go down on the winner right here in front of everyone.” That brought another round of “ooooh’s” from the other women. One of them yelled out,“I think the loser should do us all!” At this point, there was no way the Hawks could lose. I was really looking forward to seeing Barb lap two dozen pussies and I could once again picture her sitting at her desk naked, painted blue and green. I was dreaming of ...
... the glory of next week. I could see it all. I was even contemplating bringing my spray body glitter to work with me just to add some highlights to Barb’s body paint. 31-28 would be the final score. Sea Hawks win by 3. Barb looked at me and said, “Girl, you are getting in way over your head, but I accept that final bet.” That brought a huge cheer from the rest of the women from the office, and I said, “OK!” Then that idiot Pete Carroll called for a pass play and Malcolm Butler intercepted it on the goal line. As the final whistle blew, Barb looked me in the eye and said “Strip!” I did. Then she sat down, lifted her skirt, pointed at her cunt and said, “Lick!” She looked out at the room and said, “Ladies, while Shelly is busy on my pussy, I think you all need to start warming up her ass. I think it’s 4 swats each. And if you were wishing for a bigger point spread, remember, it will be 4 more twice tomorrow and the next day and the next, all week. As I took off the last of my cheerleader outfit, I was suddenly very sober. I crawled over to where Barb was sitting and put my face between her legs. As I started to lick, I heard a loud smack and felt the fire of a doubled up belt on my ass. It was going to be a very, very long week. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = END OF STORY = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =