The Church of the Chosen--Part 1
Date: 7/5/2017,
Consensual Sex
Oral Sex
Author: senorlongo, Source:
... straightforward. Denise and I both finished in about ten minutes. Reverend Mitchell removed two red plastic sheets with holes punched through them. Mine was marked “K” to match my form of the test; Denise’s was marked “M.” Laying the “K” sheet on top of my answer sheet we totaled the marks that showed through; there were twenty. ”Okay, Sean twenty comes out to a dominance score of…here we go--88. That’s a very high score, but it’s only half the story. Let’s check Denise’s score now.” “By the way, how many men and how many women turn out to be dominant?” “Actually, it’s virtually 50-50. Personally, I find it easier to be the submissive partner. Being dominant is usually a lot of work and responsibility. Okay, here we go.” He counted, coming up with twenty-two which translated to a score of 93. “As I said, that’s only half the story. Now I need the submissive score sheet. They’re color coded so I don’t make a mistake.” He removed two blue sheets from the folder. My submissive score was 50; Denise’s was only 16. I was surprised to hear Denise say, “Can we take it again? This is important to both of us.” “Of course, I have two entirely different forms right here.” We took the tests again, but the results were almost identical. Denise was dominant; I was submissive. I couldn’t believe it. “I’m not really surprised, Sean. Police officers have to be aggressive, but they have to follow so many rules and laws that a high degree of submissiveness is a prized attribute. If you’re ...
... willing I’d like to begin your training tomorrow. We could do it anytime that’s convenient for you. Sean, you will have my wife as your trainer; Denise, you will have one of your neighbors. Are you going to work tomorrow, Sean?” “No, I have the week off so I guess I could start then.” Denise agreed. Our training would begin at ten tomorrow morning. “Great,” he gave me directions to his home, telling me also, ”Don’t wear much. All the submissives go naked at home so you’ll be naked during the training. Don’t worry--my wife has seen almost half the men here in town.” I looked at him in total disbelief. “Oh, one more thing—how often do you two have sex?” “That’s kind of personal, Reverend.” I was becoming irate. Denise put her hand on my arm to calm me, “Two to three times a week normally. May I ask why you need to know?” “Is that acceptable to you, Denise? I ask because Sean will no longer be able to initiate sex, but our practice is to continue with the same frequency except that you will determine when to have it, how it will be done, and what will be done.” I stared in total disbelief. I couldn’t believe the way this was going. “Yes, Reverend—if anything I’d prefer to have it more often, but Sean’s job….” “Well, that excuse will no longer be valid. You’ll be in charge of the sex, the house, the money, everything. Because of that you’ll no longer have any arguments. I know this is a bit of a shock, Sean, but you’ll learn quickly how well it will work. It always has in the past and ...