Sean's Story: Chapter 3
Date: 7/5/2017, Categories: Fiction Boy, Boy / Boy, Gay Non-Erotic, School Teen Violence Young Author: Freudian Slip
Sean’s Story Chapter3: For Laramie I was now a high school student and the world was new. Six months had passed since that disasterous night at Sarah’s house. At first some people gave me shit but that didn’t last long. Mostly I just stayed home for a while and heard what people said through Casey. Tori had spread some shit about me, like that I had a really small dick and that I came the second she put her mouth around me, but I didn’t care much. Three weeks after the incident Brian tried fucking a girl in the ass and got shit all over his dick. Everyone forgot about me and Tori overnight and moved on. I, of course, didn’t forget and decided to remove some people from my life. Tori and Sarah were at the top of my “couldn’t give a fuck about you” list and ignoring them wasn’t difficult. For the most part I just went on with my life. I was open with my sexuality around school. I didn’t flaunt it but I didn’t seek to hide it. I’ll be honest. I was always pretty distant from the ideal of masculinity so I was picked on by some of the older guys but it was mostly “Hey fag.” Nobody dared make it physical. That was, until somebody did. It was just after first block on a Tuesday when it happened. I didn’t even know who he was at the time. He was a year older than me and took my gayness as an affront to his, apparently very thin-skinned, deity. I was walking to my next class in the main hallway when it happened. “Hey, faggot.” This again? You’d think they would learn some material. ...
... Hurr durr, call him a faggot. That’ll make him cry I bet. I ignored him and kept walking. “Faggot.” Just keep walking. He’ll get bored and leave. “I’m talking to you faggot.” He was right behind me. Keep walking. He grabbed my shoulder and stopped me. Shit. People around us had stopped to watch. I turned and looked at him. I had to look up at him since he was easily a foot taller than me. Being short can be such a bitch sometimes. He looked like he could probably throw me at least a couple feet too. Overall, he looked like a good southern boy. A good southern boy who was pissed. Well, maybe this wasn’t going to go as well as I’d hoped. He looked down at me. I waited. “You got anything to say for yourself you filthy little cocksucker?” With each word drops of spit sprayed from his mouth. He looked, and spoke, unreasonably angry for someone who didn’t even know me. I kept my face as blank as I could and tried to remain calm while being scared shitless. It was a wonder I hadn’t peed my pants yet. Answering him would only make him worse I thought. I kept silent. “God hears you even if I can’t.” “Let him judge me then.” “Shut your fucking mouth!” he screamed at me. If anyone had been trying to ignore what was going on they couldn’t avoid looking now. I looked around for help but it wasn’t coming. A second later I saw a fist zooming towards my face and a split-second later I felt the impact against the left side of my face. The students who had been gathered around us backed up to ...