His wife, the jock and the King Kong cock
Date: 6/27/2017,
Dark Fantasy
Author: Trish2000
Mike had been married to Trish for nearly three years when he surprised her with a vacation to the secluded Keewaydin Island, a highly expensive couple's resort off the coast of Key Biscayne. They were staying in a stunning beach house, right at the tip of a mile long stretch of beautiful white sand on the south side of the island. The beach was completely private, for guest use only, and was shared by only a handful of other couples staying in similar houses nearby. While they were unpacking, a 20-year old kid with bleached blonde hair, a square jaw and the physique of a bodybuilder knocked on their door. This was Jason, their `host' for the duration of their stay, and he was almost bursting out of his shirt. His job, he explained, was to look after all the guests staying on their stretch of beach. "I'm basically here to make sure you guys get a vacation you'll never forget" he smirked, squeezing the blood out of Mike's hand with an unnecessarily macho handshake. Mike didn't much like the look of this guy, particularly given the cocky way he was eyeing Trish's cleavage as he shook her hand, but he slipped him a tip all the same and let him know they'd be sure to shout if they needed anything. He wasn't too put out. His wife had fantastic breasts, so he was used to people staring. "As a matter of fact, there's a welcome party tonight if you're game?" Jason said in his Florida drawl. "It's at the Guest Services Mansion, a couple of miles north of here. Everyone on the ...
... island's gonna be there. It's kind of a welcome thing for y'all. Can you guys make it? It's gonna be sweet ass!" Since it was their first night, the young couple decided to go. They were on holiday after all - why not take up an opportunity to have some fun? Plus, it would be a great chance to meet some of the other couples staying on the island. The Guest Services Mansion turned out to be a beautiful white house with gorgeous gardens and a swimming pool surrounding it. As soon as Mike and Trish arrived however, it was pretty clear that this party was going to be a long way from the civilised drinks reception they'd both been expecting. Rather than welcoming their guests with champagne cocktails, hors d'oerves and polite conversation, Jason and his fellow hosts were essentially throwing a frat party for the island, with kegs of beer, pounding rap music and plenty of juvenile antics. There were about ten boys in total, all in their early 20s and all with the same meathead look Jason had. They looked like a bunch of guys who had just been kicked off the college football team for being too jockish. One of them, a bald headed black kid with a lip ring, had even taken his shirt off! He was dancing around, showing off his impressively muscled chest and encouraging a number of the female guests to join him. "Jesus..." Mike whispered under his breath, "Trish, I'm sorry honey, I had no idea it would be like this!" Mike couldn't understand how such an expensive, elite holiday resort could ...