Date: 10/17/2015, Categories: Dark Fantasy Blowjob Coercion Cum Swallowing Incest Author: blueheatt, Source: sexstories.com

    . We’d have to hurry so we didn’t get caught. I loved the way she said them breathlessly in my ear. That meant she was horny and she wanted a quick fuck. We had done this before and we were good at it. We could fuck standing up very fast. She was a moaner and she would bury her mouth in my neck and muffle her moans. I loved her breathing hard with those sexy moans. ..... She had already excited herself and was now ready to risk a much needed fuck she wanted. She needed a lot of affection and now was getting it. ….. Running my fingers across her back in passing would make her gasp and grab for my hand to put it where she wanted it, if it was safe from detection. I could touch her anywhere in the house at any time and her eyes would roll back in her head as they closed. I could watch the chill bumps follow my fingers if I just touched her arm. Her little gasps for air were so sexy to me. If I stood behind her and snuck in a back of the neck kiss, she automatically leaned back and pushed her ass into my cock. .... I had learned all of her sensitive spots and used them to watch her get excited. I use to do it close in front of her sisters and pretend I was sneaking in a feel and her sisters could not see us. This made her sisters excited too. If I looked at her sisters, they would quickly looked away, pretending they had not seen me, but their tell tail smiles let me know they had. ….She would whisper: (“…Stop, my sisters can see you doing that.”) She would make a lame attempt ...
    ... to stop or move my hands, making it ’look good’ if someone saw us. …..I’ll just call them Mom, sister 1, sister 2 and sister 3. I was living with sister 1. We lived next door to her parents. Our back yard had an open gate to her parents house, and her mom and sisters came and went freely between to two houses. We also spent a lot of time at their house. ….To continue…. I first met sister 1 and was dating her. I was brought into a new world of 4 horny women and I was the only guy around them. The adventure took me to a ’nest of pussy’ I called it. The ’dad’ worked all the time and spent all his home time in the garage, and away from his nagging wife and attention wanting daughters. He even enclosed part of the garage and slept there. He was glad to see me come around and entertain them and leave him alone. They all wanted male attention, and I was it. …..My girlfriend, sis 1 was still living at home then and we loved to sneak around and at first, cop feels. Then we got bolder and got in a quick fuck. Now we wanted lot’s of quick fucks, but the trick was to do it and not get caught. They all wanted me to move in and live there, but sis 1 and I moved in next door, which still made them all happy. I was fucking sis 1 and I played with the others…at first. Soft porn you might call it as those women liked to rub up against me. Lean on me and their touching got longer and longer. It was like a pussy toy box. Take one, play with her, make her hot and watch her head to the bathroom or ...