It Was an Accident, Honest!
Date: 6/24/2017,
Male / Females
Oral Sex
Written by women
Author: geilkoekje11, Source:
pictures and sex tape of my when is was 18 years old: <---- need to copy it Well, three accidents really, so it's not actually my fault I fucked my father. I mean, you can't blame me for the first two, and only partly for the third mishap. Of course, my nickname is Miss Hap, because as a kid I was always in the middle of whatever trouble there was. It's not like I'm accident-prone, I just sort of wind up in the middle of trouble by happenstance. In fact, my given name is Happy. Mother was a Republican from upstate New York, and there was this Governor Rockefeller (like the Plaza in NYC), who became Vice-President (I think). Anyway, his wife's name was Happy, and I'm named after her. The moniker suits me. I am a pretty happy person. And happily I'm a pretty girl too. Not to brag, but above average. I had no more to do with it, than my name. Blame my mom's politics and genetic material for both. However, the fact I look like her, and she was a runner-up for Miss New York State when she was 19, is part of the reason that daddy and I did it. Fucked. I must say, it was not his fault at all, as you will understand when you read my story. It was fun too. But then sex is, if you're a normal, healthy and active female of 22. Which I am, except now I'm a year older. I became sexually active, in my first year of college, at 18. I was ready. We used protection, but then I went on the pill, since I fully intended to screw often with the fella I was in love with. ...
... That torrid romance lasted two years. Since then, I have had several relationships of various lengths, and dated quite a bit. All that above so you don't think that I was any kind of innocent, and got taken advantage of. Not at all, but neither am I a slut. Mom had died of cancer a couple of years ago. That is the saddest part of my life, but I won't dwell on it. Now, I was the woman of our home, having graduated from college and returned back to live with my father until I found a job. I took care of the domestic stuff, like cooking and errands to the cleaners, etc. Dad had lived on pizza and hot dogs the last two years I was at school. But he did help around the house; just he wasn't much good at that sort of stuff. Mom had always been the homemaker; he, the breadwinner. I am determined to marry a man who can cook! The first accident was with our car. We were on a back road, daddy and me, taking a short cut back from grocery shopping. The right front tire got a flat. It was a bad place to try to fix a flat, and out of the way. We have auto emergency service, but just as I was about to call on my cell, this pickup truck stopped to see if we needed help. Dad thought it would easier for the wrecker to meet him at home, and he could then ride with them back to the car. I would be back home and could start dinner. So we accepted a lift home from the Good Samaritan. So we were riding with this nice man in the farm truck. He had a big tool box on the seat beside him but turned it to ...