1. Betrayed by Everyone (Redux)

    Date: 6/18/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Cheating Cuckold, First Time Humiliation Masturbation Author: Nebic

    ... don't know man, It's all kind of a blur." He replied, making Ashley worry more. Frustrated he said goodbye to his friend and started cleaning himself up. Once finished he left his room to eat dinner with his mother, but felt uneasy about everything he had learned. Now worried about the conversation his mother had with his boss, he decided to probe her for information. She seemed reluctant to share, but soon gave in telling him they had dinner plans this weekend. Ashley's heart sank, he tried telling her what a scum bag his boss was. Becoming upset she fought against Ash telling him how nice he was to her, and how it was about time she 'got back out there'. Another painful stab at his heart, as they both knew that Ash's father had only been buried for two weeks. "Just make some plans with your friends this weekend, it's only dinner after all." She said, trying to calm Ashley down as he pouted. That's when he remembered his girlfriend being free this weekend, suddenly he felt better knowing his Boss couldn't be at both places at once. If his boss went on a date with his mom, Ash would be free to lose his virginity to his girlfriend, even if his boss did know where his girlfriend lived. With the weekend only being a day away, Ashley's spirits soared as he ran to his room eager to call his girlfriend. Punching her number into the phone, he sat and waited as it phone continued to ring, but with no response. After going to voice mail, Ash tried again re-dialing her number. ...
    ... Finally after another six rings she finally picked up. Before even letting her talk, he explained how excited he was about tomorrow and how he couldn't wait to be with her. Suddenly Ashley noticed something was wrong, she wasn't her normal perky self, her voice sounded labored, her breathing was heavier, almost in pain. After asking her if something was wrong, her reply caused his heart to nearly break in half. "Uh.. Hey baby, sorry I-uh.. Mm, I don't think we can- ah, get together this we- ugh! weekend. Something has uh, um, come up." She struggled to speak to Ashley's horror, he had watched enough porn to know the sounds of a girl being fucked. Turning up his phone's volume he could hear another man's breathing in the background, along with soft laughter. "I'm uh- really busy right now though, I love- Ugh! Fuck! I gotta go." She said, rudely hanging up on Ashley. Tears started to form in his eyes as he sat on his bed, it couldn't be true he thought, no way could his boss be fucking his girlfriend. He couldn't go without knowing for sure, holding his breath he dialed his boss, who picked up on the first ring, Ashley tried holding back his sobs but couldn't. "Hey, loser what's up?" He asked, grunting as he said it. Ashley tried to ask if he was busy, but his voice continued breaking with sobs. His boss meanwhile continued grunting loudly, clearly having sex. Finally Ashley managed to ask him if he was fucking her, his boss laughed and loved breaking the news. "Damn right I am! Did ...