To the End and Back
Date: 6/17/2017, Categories: True Story Consensual Sex School Teen Male/Teen Female Author: GBS, Source: sexstories.com
... quite attractive and I liked this… a little too much. Due to new rules I can’t write about my experiences until I am 18 so the details must wait a short while. My new sense of self-pride was my downfall; it was great for the next couple of years. I was very good with people at this point. I could talk to someone for five minutes and have them eating out of the palm of my hand. This is why all the parents loved me. But they had no idea of the darkness that hid behind my outer shell. I was a bad person, I used girls. I am not proud of this but this is how it really happened and I if I could take it back then I would, but what’s done is done. There was one girl in particular I felt worst for. Liz, she was a hot red head who was my age. She was actually very attractive. Long ginger hair, pale skin and a good set of breasts. She really fell deeply in love with me but the feeling was not mutual. She actually annoyed me a little bit, the constant texting just kind of got to me and I could not be bothered anymore. A normal person would tell her what was going on but no what did idiot Brendan do? He fucked this girl and then started to be very distant. Lizzie was loved by half the school but hated by the other half. So now I had half of the school think I was the devil in disguise and the other half thinking I was a legend. My using of girls continued until I was 18, I could tell you many stories of me fucking girls and leaving or staying for a few days but I don’t want to and the ...
... majority happened before my 18th birthday so sorry chaps! * My 18th birthday came around and I went out with my family to celebrate by having a Chinese meal. After I went to the pub with Joe, Francis and Elliot to have a couple of Beers before we went to the clubs in the big city. At the pub a few people joined us. Matty joined us with his Girlfriend Jenny and she had brought three friends, Casey, Nicki and oh god, Liz. “Hi girls, how are we doing?” I blurted out. I was pretty drunk at this point as I greeted them with a hug “I hope you don’t mind buddy but Jenny insisted we bring her, sorry bud,” Matty said with genuine sorrow in his voice. “Don’t you worry my friend, me and Lizzie are fine” I told him truthfully. Surprisingly we had smoothed over the slight issue of me being a jerk to her and taking her virginity and not calling her back… oops. “Happy birthday” Jenny almost spat at me. She was not my biggest fan being Liz’s best friend. Quite understandable if you ask me. “Thanks babe” I added sarcastically “Happy birthday Hunnie, let me buy you a drink to celebrate, what are you having?” Nicki asked me, she was like a sister to me. She was a bit chubby and had very large tits but I just thought of her as more of a friend because we got on too well. “Thanks Nick! I’ll have a house lager please” “Hi Gerry” Liz added looking a mixture of embarrassed and angry if that is even possibly. “Hey kiddo” I said while giving her a hug That was pretty much it for the talk between her and ...