1. Gay Interracial

    Date: 10/16/2015, Categories: Dark Fantasy Author: RBBL91

    ... furniture with sharp, metallic angles covered with either polished glass or rich, black leather. The wall opposite the couch had an entertainment center with dozens of fine controls and flashing meters that reacted to the Motown beat. And right in front of it was a white, fluffy rug. Bearskin, and my mind formed an immediate and vivid picture of what it was used for. Ken walked towards us from the hallway. "Hey, glad you came!" He smiled and shook my father's hand, and then he extended it to me. "You're Jamie, if I remember right?" I said "Yeah, Jamie." When I returned his handshake I saw how big his hands were. His fingers were so long they reached halfway up my forearm. I looked down and saw that the edges of his fingers and the skin around his palm were almost as light as I was, but it quickly darkened around the surface towards his backhand. He was a bit darker than Kyle, more the color of cocoa beans than Kyle, who was, as I've said the color of rich topsoil. Still the hands were huge, but as I looked down at then and felt the warmth of his skin I was struck by the contrast between the hard ridges of his knuckles against the large, but seemingly sensitive fingers. "Why don't you two go in and sit down." I followed my father into the living room. He sat on the couch, perhaps because he didn't realize how low to the ground it was. He seemed to sink in. I sat in a leather rocker on his end of the couch, and was able to look down on him slightly. His eyes were ...
    ... expressionless, as if the strangeness of this, his presence in the home of some black people, his sitting on their couch listening to the Temptations, had caused some inner persona to flee. After a minute Kyle and his Dad came in. Ken handed each of us a Colt 45, and I looked over at my father before accepting it. "C'mon Bill, no harm in this, eh?" Ken said. "Just boys havin' a drink with their Dads." My father surfaced and gave a slight nod. I gulped it, knowing from some drinks I had already had that it would deaden me, make me more able to handle this. It was good, real good, stronger than the other beers I had had. I leaned back in the rocker, while Ken switched from the stereo to the TV. Kyle sat in the chair that matched mine over on the other side of the sofa. He took a pull from the beer, and gave me a wink. Ken sat on the couch next to Dad. A lot of his additional height must have been in his legs; His head was a few inches above my fathers, but his knees were at eye level, so he had to spread them to see the TV. He was wearing red track shorts; I looked at the veined granite of his thighs and his hamstrings and I guessed he was a runner. He was younger than Dad, maybe his mid thirties, tops. The beer tasted great, I settled back in my chair and listened to Howard Cossell. Quarry and Norton were in the ring, exchanging a flurry of punches. Querry was fighting for his professional career. A few years ago he lost to Frazier in a fight for the crown that Ali abandoned when he refused ...