1. My mom is just as horny as I am!

    Date: 6/8/2017, Categories: True Story Cum Swallowing Exhibitionism Female solo, Incest Mature Teen Male / Female Young Author: Free49

    First off let me tell you that all this actually happened in the real world, i'm not adding or changing any details or events. I'm going to be honest here and not feed you any of that common bullshit which, for me personally, usually ruins these stories. Even if they are not real. No, my mother did not have a pornstar body with the looks of a teen hollywood actress. She did not have me when she was 15, so she's not going to be a young mother with a tight body. No, I do not have a 10 inch dick and six-pack abs. Don't be silly, there's no way those things are as common as I am led to believe when browsing here. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and tell me your thoughts in the end! We lived in a small town on the countryside. It was a time before the internet was common in every household. My mother and I lived in a cozy little house on the top of a hill. My dad abandoned us when I was young, there's no memories of him except for a few old photographs which I sometimes look at when feeling lonely. We'd have to walk a couple of miles down the road to reach the heart of the town. I really miss those times, everything was so simple, calm and quiet. No constant text messaging on mobile phones and sending naked pictures to each other, no facebook to check up on your ex, no wasting 500 dollars on that latest iphone every 6 months just to stay up-to-date. Back then my mom and I would watch TV together a lot, comfortable on the sofa, usually sharing a blanket and leaning against each other. ...
    ... She was a single mom and had decided to home school me, after her parents passed away they had left her with a respectable amount of money, enough so that she was able to resign as a teacher from our local school and spend all her time at home with me. She was in her forties; natural long blonde hair which i'd normally only see in the form of a ponytail, and a little chubby which gave her quite the full large breasts. I was in my early teens, 14 to be exact, when I started going through puberty. I was skinny and average looking, not much interest in athletics. When the weather allowed it i'd be outside playing with the neighbour kids. There was no gaming console or anything in our homes - we just had loads of fun outside: skipped rocks on the nearby lake, caught frogs and also did some really stupid things such as daring each other to jump off barn roofs into hay. Never broke a bone though, nor was I ever seriously injured. The most colourful memory I retained is when we used to pick fresh apples right off the tree and then got chased by a dog who was supposed to be guarding the property. The rush we got from stealing made them taste all the sweeter. Well, as I said, I was home schooled. Sure, I missed out on a lot of fun I could have had at school with the other kids, especially girls. But it forged a very strong intimate relationship between me and my mother, which eventually blossomed into beautiful incestual love. I'm now in my late thirties, divorced(peaceful, mutually ...