Date: 6/7/2017, Categories: True Story Anal Asian, Ass to mouth Ass to pussy, Blowjob Cheating Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Female/Female First Time Group Sex Interracial, Latina, Lesbian Male / Females Masturbation Reluctance Threesome Author: JohnJustJohn

    ... we wouldn't have been up for. Belinda was just as crazy and kinky as I was. The real fun would come when it was my turn or Belinda's. Of course, fooling around with Belinda in front of a hot little thing like Jenna was a perfectly good way to kill the time in between. "Okay you fuckers..." Jenna started. I liked where this was going. "I dare you to put Johnny's balls in your mouth while he jerks off for one minute." Completely unphased, Belinda hopped out of her seat and smiled. "That's more like it!" Jenna fell back in her chair, defeated and laughing. "You guys are fucking crazy!" Belinda knelt down in front of my chair and pushed my legs apart. I scooted to the edge of my seat as Jenna counted down. "And go!" I took my shaft in my hand and began stroking again. Belinda began by first licking my balls and getting them good and wet. She then opened her mouth wide and pulled one nut and then the other into her warm wet mouth. I could feel her tongue pressing up against my balls inside of her mouth. It felt amazing! I looked across the table at Jenna as I stroked myself. She was watching intently as my hand glided up and down the length of my shaft. I could tell she liked watching me as much as I liked watching her. She finally called time and Belinda rose to her feet and licked her lips. Jenna was still wide eyed. It was my turn again and I had already decided what I wanted them to do. I had planned another big push. "I want a ten minute show." I started. Belinda and Jenna ...
    ... both waited for me to continue. "Basically I want you to both stand up and start by making out. Then, whatever happens, happens. Anything goes." I smiled. Belinda was smiling too. "Ten minutes?" Jenna asked in disbelief. She then turned to Belinda. "Can he do that?" "That IS a long time Johnny." Belinda said. "That's the dare." I stood my ground. "Unless the two of you want to concede..." "Fuck that." Belinda said defiantly as she stood up. "I play to win!" she grunted in a masculine baritone. She then stepped over to Jenna and offered her a hand. Jenna took Belinda's hand and stood up. "I'm SO gonna get you for this." she playfully threatened me. They stood face to face, smiling nervously. I stood up too and pushed them closer toward the back door. "No no no... Over here, under the light." I smiled, fully intending to enjoy the show. They squared off once again, both smiling big goofy smiles. Their two naked bodies were bathed in the bright light of the back patio. I stood a few feet away, holding my watch, savoring their anticipation. The second hand finally reached the 12 at the top of the watch face. "...And go." They immediately began kissing again. By that point, they were good and comfortable, so they didn't waste much time getting into it. Within five seconds, they were kissing with open mouths and exploring tongues. My cock had barely had enough time to soften up from the last challenge. As I watched the two of them exploring one another's mouths, I quickly realized it ...