1. The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist

    Date: 8/10/2015, Categories: Masturbation Taboo Voyeur, Author: jakew51

    I was enjoying a lovely walk along the main road through the state park. It was hot, but not too hot. I’d been very busy recently and had not had any time to get outside and enjoy any hiking or anything. I had my binoculars and was having a good time watching the birds and spotting the occasional bit of other wildlife. There were a lot of other people out enjoying the day, too, some in cars, driving slowly on the park road, but others like me who were doing their sightseeing on foot. There were also quite a few folks on bicycles. As I was stopped at the side of the road, trying to get a better look at the bird that had just flown into the bushes, a woman traveling in the opposite direction on a bike pulled up beside me. “What are you looking at?” she asked. This happens a lot when you walk around in parks with binoculars in hand. I told her what I thought I’d seen disappear into the brush, and she proceeded to tell me about the birds that she’d seen and heard. Aha, she’s interested in what’s out here just like I am, and seems to know what she’s talking about. So we talked birds for awhile. She was about my age, which is to say 50-something, and though not stunningly beautiful she was pretty pleasant to look at. And she had nice, big tits. Not that I noticed, mind you. Oh, what the hell, of course I did! The fact that she was wearing a tight, red tank top made it pretty much impossible NOT to notice them! It didn’t take her long to realize that I was pretty much staring at ...
    ... her boobs. Not that she seemed to mind. In fact, she started getting a little flirtatious with me. Not that I minded. We kept up our conversation about birds, each offering what some of our favorites are. After a bit, she looked at me vey intently and said, with a bit of challenge in her voice: “I bet you can’t guess what my very favorite bird is.” I locked eyes with her and raised one eyebrow a bit. She clearly had something on her mind and was daring me to figure out what it was. “I give up,” I said. “What’s your favorite?” “The swallow,” she replied, with our eyes still locked. Then, in one of those surprising, daring moves, she took a step towards me and said in a stage whisper: “I want to suck your cock.” I wasn’t totally shocked by this, but I’ll admit that it did catch me a little off guard. Nevertheless, I got hard pretty much instantly. I tried to be cool about it all. “Mmmm, that sounds great…but I don’t think my wife would like it very much.” She made a show of looking all around us and said: “She doesn’t seem to be anywhere around here.” I made a similar show of looking and said, “You’re right, she doesn’t.” “And besides,” I went on, “she’s often told me that she’d like to watch another woman give me a blowjob.” With that, the woman pulled her bike into the bushes and we both made our way down a small, barely-visible side trail. It was mostly overgrown, but we had no problem working our way through the dense brush. It actually came out into a small clearing with a ...