Sweet Dreams Are Made of This Ch. 02
Date: 6/3/2017,
True Story
First Time
Author: JoeBlogs616
... face that appealed to him so much... her skin a shade or two past Caucasian, high cheekbones that put him to mind of some foreign culture. It'd taken him awhile when they'd first dated to realize that it was some element of Native American heritage, and she'd named some obscure tribe when he'd asked. For some reason, Fiona had been uncomfortable about that subject, so he'd stopped asking. Hers was a pretty face, one that took on almost otherworldly beauty when she was in what she called her "groove." Fortunate that she had so much love for the band; while he didn't think she'd mind him staring, there was the problem of explaining away the thoughts that accompanied those looks. The evening was a fine one, heady with the light wine they'd shared, and promising more conversation with Fiona at the restaurant. Though they seemed to talk endlessly, it was never dull or idle, mindless chatter. Dark eyes sparkling with good humor and a lively intellect to match, the conversations never lapsed into tedium. He supposed the brunette knew more about him than Jen did, never monopolizing conversation towards her, eager to know as much about him as he did of her. Inevitably, conversation strayed around to the subject of Andrea. The topic was like an Achilles hell, and not one he cared to discuss, but Fiona had a knack for defusing the more bitter aspects with a dry comment or some deeper insight than he'd been able to find. "At one point, I was absolutely certain that she would be the ...
... woman I married someday. The lack of physical intimacy never really mattered to me, and it took me a long time to figure out there was nothing there emotionally. Kind of pathetic, huh?" Staring at his fork, his mind strayed back to celebrations missed and times not shared. Why am I dwelling on that shit, he berated himself, and turned his attention back to his date. "No, there's nothing pathetic about it. We all want to be loved." Fiona replied, somewhat dreamily. He realized that she was lapsing into that state of distraction, and she seemed to realize it too, catching his stare. Her cheeks seemed to darkened like twin shadowy flames with embarrassment. Almost, the thought came back to him that she just wasn't interested, before he realized he'd been down that path before, and been completely wrong. Remembering that strange comment back in Jenny's room, things clicked. Really clicked and fell into place, like the last pieces of a puzzle. The heat of his own cheeks was suddenly all-consuming, and he could tell from the slight twist of mirth to her mouth that she'd guessed the course of his thoughts, his spontaneous understanding of what was going on in her head. Day-dreaming, just the way he did. Casting her eyes downward, she said. "All of us." Words full of meaning, rich with unspoken promise. When he finally escorted her to the door of the Reed home, she pulled him down to kiss her, but it was not a kiss of farewell. In that moment, it seemed as if the lit houses up and down ...