Sweet Dreams Are Made of This Ch. 02
Date: 6/3/2017,
True Story
First Time
Author: JoeBlogs616
... Jenny stared down at the bed, tear-streaked face still working, but somewhat more composed. "She's my b-best friend, Jahn. The 'half' doesn't mean anything; she's my Sis. N-neither of us really had a father around the house, but we had Mom and each other. Even when Mom went travelling after we entered college, we still had each other." A sniffle escaped, and she rubbed at her face. "I don't want to-, I can't lose her. Family's more important than anything. I l-like you. So much. Not just the s-sex.. I don't want to lose you either, but..." His heart seized up in his chest, because he could feel the train coming, warning bell ringing in his head. "...b-but if it means losing my Sis, I don't want to see you anymore." Fresh tears stirring in her eyes, she looked at him, whispering, "P-please don't hate me." Vice-like, his chest seemed to constrict further, but he managed anyway, pulling her to him in a one-armed embrace, "I'll never hate you, Jen. Talk to her, and do whatever you need to do. I don't want you to be hurt over me." He thought of his older brother, off in college while Jahn was still young, doing those mysterious adult things, but always coming home with a little advice or just to spend time with his little brother. "I couldn't hate you for that, ever." Great sentiment, he thought bitterly. Movie-of-the-week moment, for sure. Was he even able to have a relationship without it turning into a complete train-wreck? Clothing himself, he left the Reed house, glancing ...
... at the cloudless sky. Gonna be a cold, lonely winter, he thought bleakly. Even the neighborhood seemed to have taken on a dark and unwelcoming pall, a heavy-set man across the street scowling at him as he shoveled snow from his driveway. ------------------------------------------------- Jahn had long told himself that he wasn't going to be a drinker, but if this kept up, he might just fall into the bottle with whole heart. The stupor of animated violence just wouldn't carry him anymore, and the drudgery of the working week didn't seem to dull the anxiety that had taken root. When his cell finally rang nearly a week later, he recognized the Reed number, and felt that familiar sense of constriction grab him. Thumbing the talk button clumsily, he croaked out, "Yeah?" A tentative voice that took him a moment to identify – Jenny – responded, "Hey, Jahn. Can you come over and talk for a bit?" Not an outright rejection, then. Let it not be so, the curiously stilted thought tripped through his head. Of course he could, yes. When he arrived at their home, there was no sign of Fiona's vehicle, and Jenny let him in, gesturing him to the kitchen table. Her expression was a little peaked, as if she hadn't been getting a great deal of sleep, and she looked a lot more serious than usual. Crossing his hands on the table to still them, he ventured, "So..." Jenny bit her lip, and then started. "So we fought, some." He winced, but she continued, raising a hand dismissively as she looked at him. ...