The Church of the Chosen--Part 3
Date: 5/28/2017, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Domination/submission Oral Sex Slavery, Author: senorlongo
... been worried sick ever since Jeff told me about what you did.” “I’m sorry about that. Jeff went a bit overboard. I was covered every second by a SWAT marksman and I refused to enter the house so they couldn’t take me as a hostage. I was pretty sure that he’d greet me as ‘slave boy’ like he did on the tape. It was a good way to break the ice so we could speak and avoid all the possible bloodshed. It went exactly as I had planned.” Denise didn’t say another word as she led me to the bedroom where I undressed her and bathed her in the shower. We lay on the bed as she turned on the evening news. They praised my initiative and credited me with possibly saving several lives. Denise turned the set off, climbed onto my body and kissed me. I turned off the light—it was time to sleep. There was a bit of a lull after the Vincent Papallo arrest, but the Criminal Division of the FBI is always busy. There are always new allegations coming either from citizens or other law enforcement agencies. I was tying together several investigations when Jeff’s secretary faxed all the arrangements to me the following week. I’d stay in the Sheraton downtown and near the convention center. My flight was mostly uneventful. I went through separate security—not the metal detector—so I could carry my weapon. I have my own pistol—a Glock Model 22, the same pistol that is provided to all Special Agents—with the approval and knowledge of Jeff and the Director. I liked having my own weapon. I’d had it for ...
... years, even before I started with the Bureau. It was like an old and dear friend. I had checked into the hotel and had a decent night’s sleep although I already missed my wife terribly. I was at breakfast the following morning--the Sheraton always has an excellent buffet--when I was approached by three older men in gray suits who asked if they could join me. “You’re Special Agent Sean Rogers, aren’t you?” “May I ask who wants to know?” They handed me their business cards—Securitek, Inc., Marvin C. Dohanish, Vice President-Personnel, was obviously the leader. I’d heard of Securitek. They were one of the movers and shakers in the private security industry. “Okay, how can I help you?” “We’re part of a team that’s here to recruit top talent in the fields of security, surveillance, and investigation . Our new C.E.O. has reviewed your file and has asked specifically to meet with you. We know all about your record with the Bureau. We think it’s outstanding and, frankly, it’s exactly the kind of thing we’re looking for.” “Well, I doubt you know that I’m here at the behest of the Bureau’s Deputy Director. I don’t think he’d approve of taking time off to pursue personal interests.” “You know what? He told us that was exactly what you’d say. I’ll tell you what—if things work out between us we’ll gladly reimburse the Bureau for your expenses. Can you spare an hour? Our C.E.O. would like very much to meet you.” I thought for a minute then threw my napkin on the table, leaving twenty-five ...