Time Traveller from the 21st Century
Date: 5/27/2017,
Consensual Sex
Male / Females
Oral Sex
Author: PJ Wolfwalker, Source: sexstories.com
... than to get some news filler on the late, obsessively private billionaire. Apart from occaisional press releases, or an occaisional still photo of him arriving or leaving some charity function, opening another plant or factory, and the very carefully controlled and censored photos when his business with governments passed through the public's eyes. It was a mercifully brief ceremony; Apart from his best friend and Megan, no one but the minister had a speaking part at the funeral, before the body was cremated. The post-funeral portion of the wake consisted of a lot of good wine and brandy being inbibed, acompanied by mostly whispered speculations about what the terms of Jack's will might contain, before his body was even reduced totally to ash. It was no exaggeration to say Jack's family, was in his own generation, divided evenly, but in the following one, much divided between Alexander, and his Aunt Megan's two kids, versus the rest of their second generation. Chapter 3 Just after lunch the following day, the heirs were gathered together in a large conference room, where Jack's legal team were seated at a table at the front of the room, folders of paperwork readied, the junior partners prepared to explain and clarify if need be to any heir what the terms of their personal share of Jack's estate was or represented in one of the several private offices opening off one side of the conference room. The senior partner (quite old and only involved due to the person whose will it ...
... was their duty to deliver). He read the prolog to the will, stating when it was last updated, who'd been present, the witnesses to the document, two of them recently retired supreme court justices. As the prologue was completed, he passed the duties over to the next most senior partner, to begin the reading of the will. Per Uncle Jack's stipulations, the will covered all inheritance taxes paid, so no one could say they were being deprived of any part of their inheritance. Uncle Jack was not one to leave loose ends or space for challenges, legal or otherwise. George was given clear title to his beach house, a guarantee of his salaried post as a VP of the company in Florida as long as he lived, complete with full benefits that went with that post; a new company car each year, life insurance, unlimited medical, and a lump sum of one million cash. Everyone recalled his swagger of the previous days, as a junior partner approached to ask if he wanted to come to one of the private offices to the side of the huge conference room, but George shook his head no angrily, he'd prefer to remain to see how the rest of the estate would be divided. Megan, who'd maintained a far better relationship with her older brother, received five million cash, plus shares in various of the estate's companies, on that day were valued at around six million more, meaning she could choose to sell, hold them as a minority shareholder able to voice opinions at meetings, or whatever she chose. Each of her three ...